Okay it doesn't appear that my a/c is losing refrigerant. As best as I
can diagnose the problem here is what I have come up with:
When I start my car the A/C comes on and some times it will stay on
for hours. Other times it will only stay on for 10 minutes. When I
turn the a/c off 10 minutes and then back on it will work fine. But
at some point it may go off again. The vent continues to blow but it
feels like it is burning outside air. The air is no way cold. When I
press the a/c off/auto switch I can hear the engine idle differently
which indicates the compressor is kicking on and off but only hot air
comes out of the vents.
I am not sure if it is a compressor going bad; a loose wire somewhere
or what?
Help!!! It is 90 degrees here. I don't have the money to take it to
Volvo. I was thinking of letting this independent mechanic take a
look at it.
can diagnose the problem here is what I have come up with:
When I start my car the A/C comes on and some times it will stay on
for hours. Other times it will only stay on for 10 minutes. When I
turn the a/c off 10 minutes and then back on it will work fine. But
at some point it may go off again. The vent continues to blow but it
feels like it is burning outside air. The air is no way cold. When I
press the a/c off/auto switch I can hear the engine idle differently
which indicates the compressor is kicking on and off but only hot air
comes out of the vents.
I am not sure if it is a compressor going bad; a loose wire somewhere
or what?
Help!!! It is 90 degrees here. I don't have the money to take it to
Volvo. I was thinking of letting this independent mechanic take a
look at it.