Roy Bolton
Anyone any ideas and comments about this one. 1996 volvo 850 2 litre 20
valve. Sent it into the mechanic, brakes very spongy becoming harder with
the next press of the pedal. Mechanic bled the brakes but pedal still low
and although less spongy and more efficient depressing about a third of the
pedal travel and not hard. Mechanic said it needs new discs as they are
warped (I will agree with this as there is the classic symptoms of a warped
disk) and once the discs are replaced with new pads they should be as I want
them. Also he says that the calipers become 'lazy' with age and they should
also be replaced. In other words nearly all of the system replaced except
master cylinder, pipes vacuum and abs unit. I always understood the 850
brakes were exceptional, they certainly were when i bought the car 2 years
ago. Any comments and suggestions gratefully accepted. - Roy
valve. Sent it into the mechanic, brakes very spongy becoming harder with
the next press of the pedal. Mechanic bled the brakes but pedal still low
and although less spongy and more efficient depressing about a third of the
pedal travel and not hard. Mechanic said it needs new discs as they are
warped (I will agree with this as there is the classic symptoms of a warped
disk) and once the discs are replaced with new pads they should be as I want
them. Also he says that the calipers become 'lazy' with age and they should
also be replaced. In other words nearly all of the system replaced except
master cylinder, pipes vacuum and abs unit. I always understood the 850
brakes were exceptional, they certainly were when i bought the car 2 years
ago. Any comments and suggestions gratefully accepted. - Roy