Simon T
Sometimes when I start my 940 there is a audable wurr after I have let
go of the key and the engine has started to fire, it only lasts for no
more than 5 seconds at the most but should I be woriied?
Also when cornering over bumpy ground there is a loud creak from the
front end, broken springs or should I be looking at bushes.
Many thanks for any pointers as I am trying to get my head round what
goes on under the skin of this great beast.
Simon T
go of the key and the engine has started to fire, it only lasts for no
more than 5 seconds at the most but should I be woriied?
Also when cornering over bumpy ground there is a loud creak from the
front end, broken springs or should I be looking at bushes.
Many thanks for any pointers as I am trying to get my head round what
goes on under the skin of this great beast.
Simon T