96 850 low speed steering wobble

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Russ, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. Russ

    Russ Guest

    Hello all

    A new development with my 1996 850 wagon. Right now it is a little bit
    cold in Florida 40-50 degrees in the morning and when I first take off
    I've noticed a wobble in the steering wheel at speeds under 15 mph.
    It only lasts a few minutes and after a little while, i guess once the
    tires warm up, the wobble goes away.

    I recently purchased some Cooper tires and they seemed great. I did
    have one patched when I picked up a nail in the tire. The tire shop
    told me to do a patch instead of a plug and I'm wondering if that is
    the culrpit.

    I'm wondering, do I have a defective tire or is somethig else going on?

    Russ, Feb 18, 2006
  2. Russ

    User Guest

    Swap the tries from front to rear. If the wobble returns its just the
    tire cords taking a set over night in cooler weather. It used to be a
    very common problem with nylon reinforced tires. With steel belted tires
    it's much reduced.

    User, Feb 18, 2006
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