My '94 960 is starting to make noise by the left front wheel whenever I hit
any sort of bump. I am guessing the problem is with ball joint but may be
related to the strut. Would you routinely replace both parts of both sides
if you were taking it apart? (I mean the cartridge, not the whole strut).
Is there anything I should know before taking it apart, assumiing I have the
tools to take the strut apart? Would you order the top mounting bushing
ahead of time, or only if it looks damaged. Is there anything else I should
look at or automatically replace? The car has almost 100K miles.
any sort of bump. I am guessing the problem is with ball joint but may be
related to the strut. Would you routinely replace both parts of both sides
if you were taking it apart? (I mean the cartridge, not the whole strut).
Is there anything I should know before taking it apart, assumiing I have the
tools to take the strut apart? Would you order the top mounting bushing
ahead of time, or only if it looks damaged. Is there anything else I should
look at or automatically replace? The car has almost 100K miles.