Kirk Grau
OK, after posting about 2 weeks ago about my 740 running very rich, belching
black smoke, etc. I had a suggestion to look at the engine coolant sensor.
Found this site (http://www.swedishbricks.net/700900FAQ/EngineSensors1.html)
with some pretty good info on diagnosing engine coolant sensors. My problem
is I don't know where or how to get to terminals 13 and 5 referenced in the
site. Can anybody send me in the right direction?
black smoke, etc. I had a suggestion to look at the engine coolant sensor.
Found this site (http://www.swedishbricks.net/700900FAQ/EngineSensors1.html)
with some pretty good info on diagnosing engine coolant sensors. My problem
is I don't know where or how to get to terminals 13 and 5 referenced in the
site. Can anybody send me in the right direction?