Come on here guys!

It appears that nobody is replying. If you can help please do So! We wouldn't be posting in the 1st place if we didn't need assistance right away. Thanks, let's keep this site healthy, HAPPY, and alive.Thanks
It appears that nobody is replying. If you can help please do So! We wouldn't be posting in the 1st place if we didn't need assistance right away. Thanks, let's keep this site healthy, HAPPY, and alive.Thanks
I have noticed the same thing . I have made several posts recently, and no one responded at all. This was a healthy, happy site about two yrs ago, but it seems nobody cares anymore. Where are the Volvo experts that used to compete to be the first one to answer your questions ?
It is pretty quiet at the moment, as it's taking a little bit of time for the forum to gain momentum again - the trend is upwards though, so hopefully it'll start to busy up again soon :).
Does anybody reply anymore?..I see no momentum in the upward fashion.
I have a 94 volvo turbo question about vacuum line location and diagrams...