fuel injection problem...car not running

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by m4j2t, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. m4j2t

    m4j2t Guest

    I get a diagnostic error code 223 (idle control valve not present or

    the car would run intermittant and tehn one day refused to start. I have
    spark, and fuel to the the injectors (I can even get the injectors to
    spray by pushing the valve in with a small screwdriver, but they are not
    injecting fuel into the engine. I am really stumped. would the faulty
    idle control valve prevent the car from starting? it's a $100-150 dollar
    part, so I'ld rather not just start replacing things in a hit or miss
    approach to repair. Is there a way to test? Does anybody know the
    required voltage at the injectors?

    thanks in advance--mike
    m4j2t, Oct 24, 2004
  2. m4j2t

    OBD Guest

    Which car?

    OBD, Oct 25, 2004
  3. m4j2t

    volvoguy Guest

    which model and year?
    volvoguy, Oct 26, 2004
  4. m4j2t

    m4j2t Guest


    1989 740 gl 2.3l not turbo
    m4j2t, Oct 30, 2004
  5. m4j2t

    m4j2t Guest

    1989 740 gl 2.3l nonturbo
    m4j2t, Oct 30, 2004
  6. The injectors get 12 volts through the resistors. At BAP, the guy at the
    counter checked for basic operation with a little pulser device that ran off
    a 9V battery. The symptoms really don't figure for actual injector trouble.
    And I think the code is a red herring - the idle air control valve won't
    kill the engine completely.

    Have you verified you have spark? If not, start looking at the crank angle
    sensor (on the flywheel housing in your model, IIRC) as a suspect. The
    injectors don't inject if the engine doesn't seem to be turning. I know a
    lot of people get uneasy when I suggest a spray of starter fluid in the air
    cleaner to see if the engine will "vroom" if it gets fuel, but that is a
    definitive way to determine whether your problem is just fuel delivery.

    Michael Pardee, Oct 30, 2004
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