I've got a 91 240 with 264K miles on it. I believe it has a fuel pump
problem. I've had it towed (and fixed) twice. The car comes back
working fine and then dies after two or three starts, while starting.
It then cranks but refuses to start. Anyway, the mechanic replaced
the fuel pump relay and we thought all was well. My question... Is
there a fuse for the 91 240 fuel pump under the hood? (I know of the
one in the fuse box; that one is fine.) I read something about older
models having a fuse under the hood, and am wondering if my 240 has
one hiding out somewhere...
Thanks for your time.
I've got a 91 240 with 264K miles on it. I believe it has a fuel pump
problem. I've had it towed (and fixed) twice. The car comes back
working fine and then dies after two or three starts, while starting.
It then cranks but refuses to start. Anyway, the mechanic replaced
the fuel pump relay and we thought all was well. My question... Is
there a fuse for the 91 240 fuel pump under the hood? (I know of the
one in the fuse box; that one is fine.) I read something about older
models having a fuse under the hood, and am wondering if my 240 has
one hiding out somewhere...
Thanks for your time.