We are installing a rear facing seat in a '92 960. The car currently has a
Volvo cargo/dog gate installed to two pivot points near the roof. Are these
the same holes that the seat belt assembly for the rear seat bolt to?
We haven't been able to find a schematic drawing for installing the seat and
all we have to go by is that there are the written instructions that some
"predrilled" holes for the seat belts are "somewhere" under the panelling.
Andy I.
We are installing a rear facing seat in a '92 960. The car currently has a
Volvo cargo/dog gate installed to two pivot points near the roof. Are these
the same holes that the seat belt assembly for the rear seat bolt to?
We haven't been able to find a schematic drawing for installing the seat and
all we have to go by is that there are the written instructions that some
"predrilled" holes for the seat belts are "somewhere" under the panelling.
Andy I.