Because the mains circuits do not need to be powered by liquid fossil
fuels like the typical car, they can be powered by eco friendly sources
like hydro-electric, geothermal, wind, nuclear, solar, etc. Of course
countries that don't have eco friendly mains will not gain much.
Sweden depends primarily on hydroelectric plants and has 5 nuclear power
reactors. It has a smaller amount of biofuels production. Sweden wants
to be independent of petroleum use by 2020. Accidents at the Three Mile
Island Nuclear Generating Station (USA) prompted the Swedish parliament
in 1980 after a referendum to decide that no further nuclear power
plants should be built and that a nuclear power phase-out should be
completed by 2010. As of 2005, the use of renewables amounted to 26% of
the energy supply in Sweden, most important being hydropower and
biomass. The nuclear phaseout is behind schedule. The current
sentiment in Sweden is to maintain nuclear power and eventually increase
it. Their nuclear plants are of a German design that has a flaw that
can be corrected.
The irony is that the Three Mile Island accident proved that Nuclear
power is safe. The operators' gross incompetence caused them to make
the worst possible decisions when the reactor started leaking coolant in
the containment building. The reactor had a melt-down, the worst
possible scenario. The containment building easily contained the mess
and no danger resulted. The radiation release was smaller than that by
the local hospitals.
We were served by the TMI plants and our electric bills went up for a
while. Now they are back to normal. The shareholders took the biggest
Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA, USA
Owned '67,'68,'71,'74,'79,'81,'87,'93,'95 & '01 Volvos.
The '67,'74,'79,'87,'95 and '01 through European Delivery.