V70 2,4T 2001 - Cruise problem

Discussion in 'Volvo V70' started by Kytis, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. Kytis

    Kytis Guest

    Does anyone know, if cruise control on the model above has been
    associated with frequent problems?

    I'm really getting the impresion, that our sportswagon is some kind of a
    Monday version. The latest nail in the coffin was this week, when the
    cruise control just refused to be activated and after several attempts
    the computer responded with "engine system failure, service soon".

    First the cruise just came off. Then it didn't activate at all. After
    shutting the engine and restart it did activate, but after pressing the
    +-button, it just went dead. Then came the warning...

    I called my trusted service guy, and he said it's most likely a failed
    sencor. Is this common with V70? Our car has only 40,000 kilometers and
    we think it's still too young to have all these probs. In addition,
    there has been

    * wheel alignment problem - expensive to fix!
    * engine fan failure (known, there's a recall)
    * software bugs
    * right rear schock absorber failed
    * one of the DSTC-sencors replaced

    Cheers for any info!!!!
    Kytis, Apr 2, 2005
  2. Kytis

    Timo Guest

    I have had problem with my cruise so that when I set it on and overdrive car
    in front of me = accelerate and then come back to the previous speed, cruise
    doesn't catch that speed, I have to set it again. That was fixed with
    software upload. The same was with my auto tranny, it lost drive and revs
    droped slightly, when starting to drive and change from 2 to 3. Got better
    also with SW upload.

    Otherwise been happy with my Volvo V70 2004 model 2.5 Turbo.

    Missä huollossa olet käynyt?

    Terveisin vaan


    Kytis <> kirjoitti
    Does anyone know, if cruise control on the model above has been
    associated with frequent problems?

    I'm really getting the impresion, that our sportswagon is some kind of a
    Monday version. The latest nail in the coffin was this week, when the
    cruise control just refused to be activated and after several attempts
    the computer responded with "engine system failure, service soon".

    First the cruise just came off. Then it didn't activate at all. After
    shutting the engine and restart it did activate, but after pressing the
    +-button, it just went dead. Then came the warning...

    I called my trusted service guy, and he said it's most likely a failed
    sencor. Is this common with V70? Our car has only 40,000 kilometers and
    we think it's still too young to have all these probs. In addition,
    there has been

    * wheel alignment problem - expensive to fix!
    * engine fan failure (known, there's a recall)
    * software bugs
    * right rear schock absorber failed
    * one of the DSTC-sencors replaced

    Cheers for any info!!!!
    Timo, Apr 2, 2005
  3. Kytis

    Kytis Guest

    Moikka. Vaihdetaan vaan kieltä, ihan englantia vääntävien kiusaksi
    vaikka sitten :eek:)

    Joo, ihan tollasia ongelmia mulla ei todellakaan ollut, vaan se
    "putosi" päältä just sillä hetkellä, kun yritin asettaa vakionopeutta +-
    nappulasta. Pari kertaa toistoa ja sitten alkoi tietokone herjata
    huollon tarpeesta. Tuohan nyt siis tuli jo kaikki esille siitä ekasta

    Olen käyttänyt autoa nyt täällä Berliinissä Volvo Janschillä,
    Reinickendorfissa. Ja hyvä huoltopaikka se on ollut. Meidän auto on
    meinaan kiertänyt hieman maailmaa ja Koreassa ollessaan siinä oli
    kaikkea pientä ikävää, kuten nuo mainitsemani ongelmat. Korean poika ei
    vikoja osannut korjata, mutta Saksassa asioihin löytyi välittömästi
    ratkaisu ja auto on ollut nyt vuoden päivät aikas iskussa. Paitsi nyt
    taas alkoi vinoilemaan. Ohjelmistopäivitykset on tehty viime vuonna,
    jolloin mm. takapään sähköt, ml.ovet alkoivat elää omaa elämäänsä.

    Toisaalta veikkaan, että kyseessä saattaa olla akkuun liittyvä ongelma.
    Pari päivää sitten Tsekeistä palatessamme kierrokset meinaan tippuivat
    tuonne 500rpm:n korville tyhjäkäynnillä. Se oli ihan uutta. Valot vexja
    ilmastointia pienemmälle niin avot, johan nousi kierrokset about 800:aan
    ja kaikki toimi suht ok. Cruisea en edes viitsinyt kokeilla aktivoida.
    Aamulla autoa käynnistäessä oli muuten varoituskolmio sammunut ja
    tietokoneella ei ollut sitä viestiä, että "moottorisysteemissä vikaa -
    huolla pian". Aika omituista.

    Olen tosiaan tilannut ajan ensi keskiviikolle ja sillähän se vika
    selviää viimeistään. Voin kirjoittaa, miten kävi. Jos sulla, tai jollain
    muulla, on vinkkejä tai tietoa, niin otan kaiken infon kiitollisuudella
    Kytis, Apr 3, 2005
  4. Kytis

    Kytis Guest

    The car is now checked and the computer reset. The fault just simply
    disappeared all by itself, which is typical according to my service
    point in Berlin.

    There was no parts changed. But the real problem had something to do
    with the system that monitors engine air intake. Well, we did pass some
    "mountains" when crossing the border from Germany to Czech Republic last

    It would be nice to know, if someone else (living in mountanious region)
    has experienced similar problems...
    Kytis, Apr 6, 2005
  5. " Well, we did pass some "mountains" when crossing the
    border from Germany to Czech Republic last week."

    sounds like a nice drive..... ;-)

    ~^ beancounter ~^, Apr 7, 2005
  6. Kytis

    Kytis Guest

    There's nothing wrong with the mountains in your area, either :eek:)

    FYI, whenever in the States, I always come to the west. Cause it's the
    best! Man, do I miss Rockies like every other day...
    Kytis, Apr 7, 2005
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