In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
Marc Amsterdam said:
so now back to the crawling when idling.
I'm not reaaly used to drive automatic so i have litlle to compare
with. I know this is to some extend normal, and i dont mind keeping to
foot on the brake, but as it is it crawls at 1 km an hour so i guess
this is within specs. However is this something that can be adjusted
or is the torque converter not regulated.
The torque converter is running stalled when the car is stationary but in
Drive. Its input torque is propoprtional to the square of input speed. Its
output torque is input torque multiplied by whatever the torque ratio is at
stall - probably about 2. The torque being transmitted to the wheels is
multiplied further by the gearbox and final drive. If this is sufficient to
overcome the static rolling resistance, the car will creep.
Aside from keeping your foot on the brake, the only ways to stop creep are
either to reduce the idle speed or to select a higher gear. In practice, you
probably can't do either because the idle speed is probably set by the ECU
and the gearbox will probably start off in first even if you manually select
a higher gear.
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