Just had the evap core replaced.
It's too cool outside to know how well it is working.
It was blowing 42 degrees on recirc with abouit 65 degrees ambient temp.
But, once on my test drive, I warmed up the inside of the car then
switched to full A/C recirc and as the temp at the vent began to fall
steadily it got to about 46 degrees and then it started to climb...up to
about 68 degrees and stayde there. I tried it again, warm up, recirc
and it went down to 42 and stayed there.
Mechanic says computer climate control may be interfering because
ambient temp is so cool, has seen that happen on cadillacs.
Anyone know it Volvos do that? Any idea on why the A/C would work well
sometimes (most times) and then not so well. Then shutting it off and
restarting the procedure and it works well?
It's too cool outside to know how well it is working.
It was blowing 42 degrees on recirc with abouit 65 degrees ambient temp.
But, once on my test drive, I warmed up the inside of the car then
switched to full A/C recirc and as the temp at the vent began to fall
steadily it got to about 46 degrees and then it started to climb...up to
about 68 degrees and stayde there. I tried it again, warm up, recirc
and it went down to 42 and stayed there.
Mechanic says computer climate control may be interfering because
ambient temp is so cool, has seen that happen on cadillacs.
Anyone know it Volvos do that? Any idea on why the A/C would work well
sometimes (most times) and then not so well. Then shutting it off and
restarting the procedure and it works well?