Update - I still have not isolatign the problem . Howver wiggling the
harness at verios points gets it going. I am pretty sure that it
either a bad connection or a broken wire in the harness but I want to
check at all the typical places for failure before going all the way
replacing/ rebuilding the wiring harnesses ( engine haness ? ,
ingition harness ? ) . Where ? -thanks
My Previous post -
The last time I caught it not working, there appeared to still be
continuity in the Hall sensor , The wiring harness is not great but
Ok I thing with the only visible deterioration around the gray
firewall connector which was repaired by stripping back and splice in
new wire as necessary . Are there any other connection points ( other
than the ECU plug, Coil terminals , distributor Hall sensor
connections - has Bosch distributor ) to check in troubleshooting
this sort of problem ?
BTW- does this model have a separate ICU ( different from the ECU
located near the windshield washer bottle ) , if so where is it ?
- thanks