2004 Volvo V70 XC transmission is "sweating" transmission fluid according to dealer mechanic

Discussion in 'Volvo V70' started by Joe, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. Joe

    Joe Guest

    I'm looking at buying a certified pre-owned from Volvo and my mechanic
    noticed a very small leak in the transmission. I asked him to replace
    the gasket and he said there is no gasket and that the entire
    transmission would have to be replaced and that the leak is too small
    for Volvo to do anything about it. Should I pass on this car or deal
    with the leak later since the car is certified for another 2 years.
    Any other Volvo owners have dealt with this type of leak? Is it a big
    thing or normal?
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  2. Joe

    Roadie Guest

    I'm confused here. Why are you asking your mechanic to fix a leak on
    a car warranted by Volvo that you have not even purchased yet?

    Additionally, rather than asking your mechanic what Volvo will or will
    not pay for under the warranty why not ask Volvo?
    Roadie, Oct 12, 2007
  3. Joe

    Joe Guest

    I'm sorry, I don't think I was clear. I had my mechanic check out the
    car and he found a small leak coming from the transmission that he
    though was just a gasket that needed to be replaced. The Volvo
    mechanic looked at it and told me it was normal leakage and there is
    no gasket to replace and that Volvo wouldn't pay for the repair
    because the only fix for it is to replace the entire transmission. I'm
    a little worried about buying a car that could develop a major leak 2
    days after my certified pre-owned warranty expires in 2 years. My
    mechanic and my transmission guy have never heard of "normal" leakage
    so that's why I thought I'd post here to see if any other Volvo owners
    have dealt with this problem and if it neccessitated any repairs.
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  4. The leak is normally caused by a seal leaking, not a gasket. A seal is
    around a rotating shaft, while a gasket is between two housings. The
    transmission does need to be pulled to replace the seal, but my 2001
    XC70 had a seal replaced under warranty when the car was brand new. It
    had gotten to the point where it was leaving a couple drops on the
    garage floor. Volvo fixed it with no questions asked. Apparently some
    original equipment seals are bad. The replacement seals seem to last
    Stephen Henning, Oct 12, 2007
  5. Joe

    Joe Guest

    Hmmmm, so should I demand that the Volvo dealer pull the transmission
    and replace the seal before I purchase? They told me yesterday that
    they couldn't do it outside of replacing the transmission and that
    Volvo wouldn't pay for it unless it got worse. Could you email me the
    dealer that did this fix for you so I can have my dealer contact them.
    My email is joe5345 at gmail.com, thanks
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  6. Joe

    Joe Guest

    I'm sorry I didn't read your post carefully. You say that the tranny
    doesn't need to be pulled to replace this seal so I wonder why the
    mechanic is pushing back so hard on not fixing it.
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  7. Joe

    Roadie Guest

    There is no such thing as normal leakage - you should get another
    mechanic. Once again, you should ask Volvo whether this leak is
    covered under the warranty. It should be. Indeed you might make repair
    of the leak a condition of your purchase.
    Roadie, Oct 12, 2007
  8. Joe

    Joe Guest

    I just called the Volvo dealer again and asked him to fix the seal and
    he said that there is no problem that the seal around the joint in
    question "sweats" and that is normal so Volvo will not fix it. He's
    saying that my mechanic is not a certified Volvo mechanic so he
    doesn't know that the sweating around the joint is normal. I'm going
    to walk in there (without my checkbook) and see the leak for myself
    but I don't know why I have to when my trusted mechanic and
    transmission person said the same is you that no leak is normal. I'm
    pretty close to walking away from this one so thanks for the input.
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  9. Joe

    Joe Guest

    OK, so I found out why they won't fix the leak - because they don't
    fix transmission, they just take them out and send them back to Volvo.
    They feel that Volvo won't fix the leak at this point because it's too
    small. So they offered to take the amount of money a transmission shop
    would charge off the price of the car. Should I get an estimate and
    then buy the car or could this seepage mean there are other more
    serious problems?
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  10. Joe

    James Sweet Guest

    It's probably not a big deal, I wouldn't expect a bit of seepage to indicate
    bigger problems, but that said, if I were buying a car that new from a
    dealer I would expect the problem to be fixed.
    James Sweet, Oct 12, 2007
  11. Joe

    Joe Guest

    Well, they offered me another year on the warranty for free so now I
    have 3 years for the transmission to go into full leak mode and he's
    also sending the car to my transmission specialist to get an estimate
    on what it would cost to repair and they are going to take that off
    the negotiated price. That sounds fair enough to me as long as the
    leak isn't a harbinger of bigger problems to come. What I'm really
    worried about is that the guys working the shift at the plant that day
    the car was made were preoccupied or that the car has had some kind of
    flood damage that compromised the seal. There were some major floods
    in NY State last year.
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  12. Joe

    James Sweet Guest

    The seal itself is likely the problem, not anything that would affect the
    entire transmission. This is not the sort of problem I'd associate with
    flood damage either. That often shows up in hidden places in the interior or
    weird electrical gremlins.
    James Sweet, Oct 12, 2007
  13. " I'm looking at buying a certified pre-owned from Volvo "

    what year, mdl, miles and how much $$ ??
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Oct 12, 2007
  14. Joe

    Joe Guest

    2004 Volvo XC70 AWD 42K Price:$22,800
    Joe, Oct 12, 2007
  15. You read it right the first time:
    "The transmission does need to be pulled to replace the seal"

    My dealer sold out to another dealer.
    Stephen Henning, Oct 13, 2007
  16. Joe

    Glenn Klein Guest

    What dealer ? This does not sound right @ all also what do they say is
    exactly leaking ? if you can post the information I may be able to help you
    Glenn K
    Volvo Certified Technician
    ASE Certified Technician
    Glenn Klein, Oct 13, 2007
  17. Joe

    Joe Guest

    Glenn I emailed you the info. I don't want to post the dealer's name
    just in case what they are telling me is the truth
    Joe, Oct 15, 2007
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