Graeme Hartley
Car: 1989 Volvo 240 (B230F engine) "RWD"
Symptom: Strange intermittent Austin Maxi gearbox type whine coming from
somewhere around the gearbox/prop-shaft/diff area. Sound level ranges
from not noticeable to very loud and comes and goes with no apparent
correlation to speed or anything else.
Other Factors: If I declutch whilst going along the sound remains
and if I also declutch and knock out of gear the sound remains, if I
brake the sound remains. Eventually however the sound goes away only to
come and go again at some other indeterminable point. Also, does not
appear to be temperature dependent.
Anyone any ideas what this could mean?
Symptom: Strange intermittent Austin Maxi gearbox type whine coming from
somewhere around the gearbox/prop-shaft/diff area. Sound level ranges
from not noticeable to very loud and comes and goes with no apparent
correlation to speed or anything else.
Other Factors: If I declutch whilst going along the sound remains
and if I also declutch and knock out of gear the sound remains, if I
brake the sound remains. Eventually however the sound goes away only to
come and go again at some other indeterminable point. Also, does not
appear to be temperature dependent.
Anyone any ideas what this could mean?