Help! My 850 2.5 10-valve sometimes cuts out on a right turn, which
is very inconvenient on roundabouts in the UK. The symptoms are: 1-
the engine dies and will not re-start. 2- the engine cranks but there
is no spark at the coil. 3- when you turn on the ignition the
temperature gauge goes right up, then right down even though the
engine temperature is normal before it cuts out. 4- after about 40
minutes it will re-start and the temp. gauge works normally. It has
happened twice now, and after the second time the Lambda light has
stayed on. After the first time I did 150 miles, threw the car round
lots of right turns (which was fun) - no problems until yesterday,
when it died on a busy roundabout. Please can someone help? Or
should I re-plan my routes to always turn left? Could it be an
immobiliser fault? (I did try switching the immobiliser on and off but
no help). Thanks, Marvin
is very inconvenient on roundabouts in the UK. The symptoms are: 1-
the engine dies and will not re-start. 2- the engine cranks but there
is no spark at the coil. 3- when you turn on the ignition the
temperature gauge goes right up, then right down even though the
engine temperature is normal before it cuts out. 4- after about 40
minutes it will re-start and the temp. gauge works normally. It has
happened twice now, and after the second time the Lambda light has
stayed on. After the first time I did 150 miles, threw the car round
lots of right turns (which was fun) - no problems until yesterday,
when it died on a busy roundabout. Please can someone help? Or
should I re-plan my routes to always turn left? Could it be an
immobiliser fault? (I did try switching the immobiliser on and off but
no help). Thanks, Marvin