Stephen Henning
I have been posting about how my AT would generate an error when I
shifted down into "3" while descending a hill and it would cause the
dreaded flashing yellow arrow and the check engine light. On the eighth
trip to the shop, with the sleuth of Mike, they replaced the pnp switch
on the AT and now that problem is fixed.
However, now the cruise control doesn't work. I checked the cruise
control fuse and it is OK. Is there some obvious relation between the
AT and the cruise control or a reason why working on the AT could kill
the cruise control?
I told the dealer about it, but haven't scheduled to take it in yet.
shifted down into "3" while descending a hill and it would cause the
dreaded flashing yellow arrow and the check engine light. On the eighth
trip to the shop, with the sleuth of Mike, they replaced the pnp switch
on the AT and now that problem is fixed.
However, now the cruise control doesn't work. I checked the cruise
control fuse and it is OK. Is there some obvious relation between the
AT and the cruise control or a reason why working on the AT could kill
the cruise control?
I told the dealer about it, but haven't scheduled to take it in yet.