My gramdmother has a 95 850. Yesterday it wouldn't start. It turned over
with no loss of power, but it wouldn't fire up. The repair shop she took
it to charged her over $500 and said she needed new ignition coil wires,
and needed her cap, rotor replaced. But I drove the car the night before
and it ran great. No misfire at all! Can someone please tell me if my
grandmother got taken by this repair shop. They said the coil wires were
with no loss of power, but it wouldn't fire up. The repair shop she took
it to charged her over $500 and said she needed new ignition coil wires,
and needed her cap, rotor replaced. But I drove the car the night before
and it ran great. No misfire at all! Can someone please tell me if my
grandmother got taken by this repair shop. They said the coil wires were