Jay said:
Non-turbo, 20 valve.
Interstate 590 cca @ 0 degrees $80.
Sears International 650 cca @ 0 degrees $100.
Both are Group 47 size. Obviously more cca is better, but what about
long term reliability? I've had the Sears in my wife's 240 for 5 years
& it's still going strong. Any others to consider?
More CCA isn't necessarily better. Both have way more than you need,
generally higher CCA is accomplished by constructing the battery with a
higher number of thinner plates spaced closer together. This makes the
battery more fragile in normal use. Of course this assumes everything
else is equal. I had very poor luck with high CCA batteries from
Canadian Tire, the last time I bought one there was a 5 year free
replacement warranty. Under that warranty I had 4 batteries fail in 20
months, including one that was no better at starting the car than an old
shoebox as they gave it to me! By the fifth battery the car versions no
longer had the protrusions necessary for holddown in the 240, so they
gave me a light truck version with lower CCA rating. That one was still
going fine 5 years later when I sold the car. (They've also gone away
from the long free replacement warranties, I guess it was costing them
too much.)
Sorry I don't think I've really helped you, but I have heard good things
about Interstate reliability.
Mike F.
Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.
NOTE: new address!!
Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
(But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)