njem said:
I'm looking at buying a 97 960. The check engine light stays on for
about 60 seconds. The guy says he thinks it's because oil pressure
doesn't reach what it should be till then. On any other car the light
goes out a couple seconds after starting. Am I being fed a line?
Assuming the dash on a 97 looks the same as the third picture
on this 1995 page:
The "Check Engine" (aka Malfunction Indicator) light is #3, far left end.
The "Oil Pressure" light is #10, near the middle.
From that same page:
- Malfunction indicator lamp
If the lamp comes on (or stays on after the vehicle has started), the engine
diagnostic system has detected a possible fault in the emission control system.
Although driveability may not be affected, see an authorized Volvo retailer as
soon as possible for inspection.
- Oil pressure warning light
If the light comes on while driving, the oil pressure is too low. Stop the car and
then stop the engine immediately and check the engine oil level. See the section
titled "Engine oil". If the light stays on after restart, have the car towed to the nearest
authorized Volvo retailer. After hard driving, the light may come on occasionally
when the engine is idling. This is normal, provided it goes off when the engine speed
is increased.