Convert volvo 340 - b14 to b21

  • Thread starter Thread starter Didde
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I want to do a engine switch on my 340-84 dl with a b14and the engine i want
to put in it is a b21

I know that I must swap everything behind the engine like the clutch ,
gearbox shaft etc.

"I have a 360 whith a b19a in that i can take pick stuff from"

does anyone know if it can be done whitout weld everything to make if fit

i know the engine fastener has to be rebuilt

grateful for proposals how to do this

or is it a impossible project ???
360 should have a B200 engine in not B19A. This is a Volvo 1986 cc engine
and is the same as fitted to 240/740/940 with 2 Litre engine. Check with
340mania website. Peopled with a lot of 300 enthusiasts and very

Cheers, Peter.
Peter K L Milnes said:
360 should have a B200 engine in not B19A. This is a Volvo 1986 cc engine
and is the same as fitted to 240/740/940 with 2 Litre engine. Check with
340mania website. Peopled with a lot of 300 enthusiasts and very

An 82 to late 84 360 will have either the carbed 92bhp B19A (stromberg) or a
112bhp B19E (bosch LE jetronic). They are effectively a B200 without the low
friction mods and a 10.0 or 10.3:1 CR - only any good on leaded fuel


To swap a B14 to a B19/ B200 you'll need everything rear of the engine-
thats bell housing, clutch etc, torque tube, gear linkage, gearbox and drive
shafts, rear hubs, and rear subframe. You'll also need to use the 360 fuel
tank and support straps as a 4 speed B14's tank placement will prevent the 5
speed 360 gearbox fitting.

You'll need the 360 steering rack, and front subframe, and front springs and
anti-roll bar (the B19/200 engine is heavier than the crap B14 unit)

Obviously take the engine bay wiring loom from the 360 also and complete
exhaust system, and radiator.

Personnally I'd look for a complete car rather than do the swap as its quite
involved (as you can see!)


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