From the "Uthu Side" (Nelly)

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\MIDIcian\ \(tm\)

Gee, all of a sudden the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian
terrorism are silent????

Oh well, I'm gonna present this anyway - - - -

9-11 reasons to call Muslims "terrorists"
By Reuven Koret October 22, 2003

Great news! Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Tuesday that he
would be willing to come to Israel under certain conditions. "I would
[visit] after the Jewish leadership would go the Muslim countries and
explain why they call Muslims 'terrorists,'" he said. "That would be fair.
Then I will go to Tel Aviv and explain why I said what I said."

Well, Your Excellency, I may not be a Jewish leader, and we may not be
allowed to set foot in any Muslim country, but I would love to take you up
on your challenge, though I must admit to being taken aback by the
simplicity of your question.

I would have expected a more difficult challenge. I thought perhaps you
would request that we Israelis would learn to stand patiently in a line, or
perhaps start driving defensively. Indeed, the ease of the answer to your
question proves to me that you must be just dying to visit us in Tel Aviv.
And why not, Mahathir? If, as you claim, we Jews rule the world, why not be
close to the center of global power, the hub of world domination? If, as you
apparently believe, we get the whole world to fight our wars by proxy, hey,
why not come on down and learn from the masters of persuasion?

So, just to make sure you get the chance to hop on an El Al jet and visit
the Holy Land, you ask us a powderpuff question that even the simple son
could answer on Passover. Very clever, Your Excellency! You're catching on

I am tempted to say that a harder question would be finding reasons not to
call Muslims "terrorists." To be clear, I am in no way implying that all
Muslims are terrorists. But to imply, as you seem to be doing, that it is
somehow difficult to find reasons to call Muslims "terrorists," or, for that
matter, to find Muslim terrorists, well, sir, you are certainly assuring
your prompt arrival on the shores of the Zionist entity.

Still, I would hate to miss the opportunity to host you in the Jewish
Homeland, so I will bite at your bait as if it were lox on a line, herring
on a hook.

I know you believe that increasingly, Jews are foolish enough to believe the
various peace plans being offered by the Arabs, just as the Jews in the time
of the original Mohammed back in the 8th century bought the phony and
temporary pact he offered at Hudaibiyah. It is a precedent you cited as
proof that we Jews can be lured into mistakes, believing in the various
false promises your co-religionists repeatedly offer us.

But to explain why one would call Muslims "terrorists"? You must be joking.

I realize you wouldn't consider it objective if we Jews were to define
terrorism, so let's make do with the U.S. State Department definition. Yes,
yes, I know that for you, the people over at State are just Zionist tools,
proxies for their warmonger overlords in Jerusalem.

But hey, for whatever reason: somebody over there in Foggy Bottom seems to
have a foggy idea about what constitutes a terrorist attack:

"(1) The hijacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft,
vessel, or vehicle).

"(2) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue
to detain, another individual in order compel a third person (including a
governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an
explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or

(3) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person or upon the
liberty of such a person.

(4) An assassination.

(5) The use on any biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or
device, or

(6) explosive or firearm (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with
intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more
individuals or to cause substantial damage to property.

(7) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.

Gosh, do you really need any examples of Muslim involvement in each and
every one of the foregoing, anywhere (everywhere) in the world? Do you have
a few days to remember? Suffice it to raise just a few brief reminders, none
of which occurred in Israel: Entebbe, Achille Lauro, Munich, Daniel Pearl,
World Trade Center. And there are a few thousand more where those came from.
In the last few years.

But actually, Mr. Prime Minister, I recognize you weren't asking for a
definition of terrorism but of "terrorist." The State Department has
something to say about that as well:

"One who knows, or reasonably should know, affords material support to any
individual, organization, or government in conducting a terrorist activity
at any time, including any of the following acts: "(1) The preparation or
planning of a terrorist activity."(2) the gathering of information on
potential targets for terrorist activity."(3) The providing of any type of
material support, including a safe house, transportation, communication,
funds, false identification, weapons, explosives, or training, to any
individual the actor knows or has reason to believe has committed or plans
to commit a terrorist activity. "(4) The soliciting of funds or other things
of value for terrorist activity of for any terrorist organization. "(5) The
solicitation of any individual for membership in a terrorist organization,
terrorist government, or to engage in a terrorist activity."

So how many is that? 10? 12? 9? 11? Well, I guess I've lost count of reasons
why one might call Muslims "terrorists." But you may be thinking: "I don't
care what you call me, just call me"? Well, Mr. Prime Minister, we Jews are
calling you!

So, Your Excellency, without further ado: start packing!

We've prepared a VIP itinerary just for you. I look forward to showing you
where the Elders of Zion meet (on a daily basis, as they are choosing
lottery numbers) to plot world domination. We can go to the beach, where the
Israeli girls are plotting in their bikinis how to seduce Arab leaders. We
can visit the blood matzah factory and you can sample the wares. We can eat
the chickpeas so you can see and smell how we prepare poison gas.

You said it yourself: "It cannot be that there is no other way; 1.3 billion
Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews." Ah, but it can be.
Indeed, sir, we are showing you how: just ask, and we will try to answer.
Learn from the People of the Book and next time you'll ask us a harder
question. Maybe next time we'll need to look it up.

But I must say, yes, Mr. Prime Minister! I agree with you when you said:
"For well over half a century we have fought over Palestine. What have we
achieved? Nothing. We are worse off than before." That is wise. If only
those who support the armed struggle would learn!

Indeed, you are so wise in matters of statecraft that it occurs to me that
there can be only one explanation for the dumb question you want us to
answer in order to invite you to our country, and exercise your "right of
return" with far more right than Palestinian Muslims, whether terrorists or

Mahathir Mohamad, you don't need to explain to me why you said what you
said. Since you clearly have a yiddische kopf, it's pretty obvious: you must
be Jewish!

You may want to save some of your next questions for your Mom.

But, in the meantime, please repeat after me: "L'shana haba b'yerushalayim.
Next year in Jerusalem!"

Mahathir, I hope you enjoy falafel with your gefilte fish.
And I'll present this (directed at USA) -

JNW Editorial
It's not their land, Mr. Secretary!
By Stan Goodenough
Jerusalem - September 30, 2003

Just before Secretary of State Colin Powell gave a keynote address on
America's Middle East policy to the US-Arab Economic Forum in Detroit,
Michigan Monday, he took questions concerning the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict, among other issues, from the editorial board of the Detroit Free
Press. (

There, while elaborating on his belated recognition of Yasser Arafat's
incurable propensity for terrorism, and on the essential need for an
independent Palestinian leader to deal decisively with Hamas and the
Palestine Islamic Jihad, (even as he remains quite ready to work with
another Arafat puppet) Powell reiterated something he has said many times

This time, however, it jumped out at me. And because it is clearly the
pivotal point around which all US policy in the Middle East revolves, I
believe it needs to be addressed head on, even if for the ten-thousandth

This is what he said:

".actions such as [Israel's] continuing settlement activity and a fence
that is on your property is fine, but as it transgresses and goes into
Palestinian territory."
There, right there, is where America, for all its earnest desires to see
real peace come to the Middle East, and for all its sincere efforts to help
bring about that peace, is wrong. Dead wrong. W-R-O-N-G.
Mr. Powell, the fence and the settlements are going up in Israeli territory,
on Jewish lands, on Jewish property.

While pondering how to put this age-old truth across in an arresting way, I
found ammo fresh from your own mouth which just a week ago, in what was
surely your most serious faux pas as Secretary of State, described America
as a "Judeo-Christian" country.

Notwithstanding (or perhaps because of) your scramble to quickly correct
yourself, your slip was at once revealing and indicting.

You revealed that you are in the camp of those of us who trace the roots of
our religious beliefs to the Bible - the Hebrew Scriptures and the New

And by acknowledging your membership in this "Judeo-Christian" world, you
convicted yourself of betraying the very essence of your beliefs in your
pursuit of the two-state, Israel-Palestine program.

Mr. Secretary, your own faith teaches that the land you and virtually
everyone else in the world insists on calling the West Bank is Jewish land,
Israel's land, Israel's property.

It's Israel's land historically. It's Israel's land biblically.

It's Israel's land according to the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament):

And the LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: "Lift your
eyes now and look from the place where you are-- northward, southward,
eastward, and westward; "for all the land which you see I give to you and
your descendants forever." (Genesis 13:14-15)
"Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you
are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I
will be their God." (Genesis 17:8)
"I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know
that I am the LORD your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the
Egyptians. And I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to you as a heritage: I am the
LORD." (Exodus 6:7-8)
It's Israel's land according to the New Testament:

But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream
to Joseph in Egypt, saying, "Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and
go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child's life are
dead." Then he arose, took the young Child and His mother, and came into the
land of Israel. (Matthew 2:19-21)
After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea,
and there He remained with them and baptized. (John 3:22)
For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one
greater, He swore by Himself, saying, "Surely blessing I will bless you, and
multiplying I will multiply you." (Hebrews 6:13-14)
It's Israel's land according to the Almighty One your Bible calls the Lord
God of Israel, Who says repeatedly to the descendants of Abraham through
Isaac and Jacob (not Ishmael and Esau) that He has given this land to them.
(Deuteronomy 3:18, Deuteronomy 28:52, Joshua 23:13, 15, 16)
Yes, there is some legally, privately-owned Arab property in these areas,
but while these land rights should be upheld there as they are "inside"
pre-1967 Israel, the West Bank, (the Occupied Territories), are not Arab

Again, according to your Bible, Mr. Powell, they are Jewish lands, Israel's
lands, the Land of Israel.

Now if only, with all due respect, both you and your frequently
faith-professing Christian chief executive would just find the courage to
acknowledge that, for decades, your country's involvement in the Middle East
has been predicated on a denial of what you regard as a cornerstone of your
faith - the Scriptures; and if you would find the faith to reformulate your
Middle East policy accordingly, then maybe, just maybe, the people of Israel
and the Palestinian Arabs could finally hope to see real progress in efforts
to bring real peace to this part of the world.

For 55 years, we have all seen what the fruits are of persisting on basing a
policy on falsehoods, fabrications, and lies. Will you continue to bang your
heads against the immovable force of the Judeo-Christian God's word?
And I'll even present this - - - -

Palestinian terrorism, American blood
Jeff Jacoby

October 20, 2003

Three Americans -- John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Martin Linde --
were murdered last Wednesday when terrorists in Gaza bombed the diplomatic
convoy they were riding in. News accounts immediately described the attack
as a first -- ''an unprecedented deadly attack on a US target in the
Palestinian territories,'' to quote the Associated Press. But Branchizio,
Parson, and Linde were not the first Americans to be murdered by Palestinian
terrorists. They were the 49th, 50th, and 51st in the past 10 years alone.

A few hours after their deaths, the White House condemned ''the vicious act
of terrorism'' that killed them, extended ''heartfelt condolences to the
families,'' and promised ''to bring the terrorists to justice.'' The
families of the many previous US victims of Palestinian terror might
reasonably wonder why there was no such presidential concern when their
loved ones were massacred.

The president did not vow to see justice done, for example, when Dr. David
Applebaum and his daughter Nava died, on the eve of what was to be Nava's
wedding day, in the bombing of Jerusalem's Cafe Hillel last month. Or when
Cleveland native Alan Beer was killed in a Palestinian bus bombing in June.
Or when four Americans -- Marla Bennett of California, David Gritz of
Massachusetts, Benjamin Blutstein of Pennsylvania, and Janis Coulter of New
York -- lost their lives in the bombing of the Hebrew University cafeteria
last year. Or when Shoshana Greenbaum, a New Jersey tourist, was slaughtered
in the horrific Sbarro pizzeria attack of August 2001. Or when, three months
earlier, 14-year-old Kobe Mandell of Silver Spring, Md., was one of two boys
stoned to death in the cave where Palestinian terrorists found them hiking.
Or in April 1995, when Brandeis University student Alisa Flatow was murdered
in a Gaza terror attack.

Americans have been dying at the hands of Palestinian terrorists for
decades, yet the US government and media rarely if ever portray Yasser
Arafat and his lieutenants as avowed enemies of the United States. The State
Department does not demand the extradition of Palestinian killers of
Americans, not even when the killers' identities and whereabouts are known.
President Bush has never given the Palestinian Authority the same ultimatum
he gave the Taliban in Afghanistan: Hand over the terrorists or be

Instead he issues incoherent declarations like the one he made on
Wednesday -- blasting the Palestinian Authority for refusing ''to fight
terror in all its forms,'' while assuring Americans that the United States
is ''working closely with the appropriate officials'' -- i.e., the selfsame
Palestinian Authority -- to find and prosecute those responsible. As if it
isn't those very officials who have been aiding and abetting such butchery
all along.

To hear Bush tell it, the deeper tragedy of terrorist acts like Wednesday's
is that they are ''an obstacle to achieving the Palestinian people's dream
of statehood.'' What kind of state does Bush imagine would be created by the
people who danced for joy on Sept. 11? How long is he going to keep up the
pretense that terrorism represents a failure, rather than an core element,
of Palestinian governance?

Arafat and the Palestinian Authority were quick to distance themselves from
the murder of the three Americans. But violence against Americans is
routinely celebrated by the PA. ''During the war in Iraq,'' notes Itamar
Marcus, the director of Palestinian Media Watch, ''the PA actively endorsed
the killing of Americans, and even produced a music video celebrating the
deaths of US soldiers that was broadcast repeatedly on official PA TV.'' (An
extensive compendium of anti-American hatred in the Palestinian media is
posted at

For years, sermons preached in Palestinian mosques and aired on Palestinian
radio and television have rhapsodized about inflicting pain on the United
States. ''Oh, Allah, destroy America, for she is ruled by Zionist Jews,''
proclaimed Sheik Ikrima Sabri, the Arafat-appointed mufti of Jerusalem, in
one such sermon. ''O God, destroy the Jews and their supporters . . .
destroy the United States and its allies,'' implored Sheik Ibrahim
al-Mudayris in another. And from a third, Sheik Ahmed Abu Halabiya: ''Have
no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. . . .
Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them.''

A few months ago, Palestinian officials renamed the central square in Jenin
after Ali Jafar al-Na'amani, the Iraqi suicide bomber who killed four US
Marines at a checkpoint in Najaf on March 29. That is what Arafat and the
Palestinian Authority think of spilled American blood.

There is only one rational response to the murder of Branchizio, Parson, and
Linde last week: the destruction of the Palestinian Authority, a network of
killers posing as a government. If that doesn't happen, this much is sure:
the 49th, 50th, and 51st Americans to lose their lives to Palestinian terror
will not be the last.

© Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper
"MIDIcian" (tm) said:
Gee, all of a sudden the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian
terrorism are silent????

Thats Good
Oh well, I'm gonna present this anyway - - - -

Thats Bad,

The groups you are posting to are nothing to do with the political rubbish
you are spouting.
You are *Off Topic Posting*
I personally,do not care one little bit.
Others in these groups may feel the same way as I do, they may not; but the
fact remains,
your posts are OFF TOPIC,and speaking for myself NOT WELCOME.

If you want to have a policical debate in a news group, join one of the many
existing ones, or even start your own.

Please do not post here.

Also when I opened your post, somthing in it tried to access my address
book, so you may want to run a virus scanner as well.

Steve Rodgers.
Nice to see some balance in the group for a change.
It's not just the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian terrorism, but
the left-wing 'alleged pacifists
It's good to be normal and centrist!!

"MIDIcian" (tm) said:
Gee, all of a sudden the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian
terrorism are silent????

Oh well, I'm gonna present this anyway - - - -

9-11 reasons to call Muslims "terrorists"
By Reuven Koret October 22, 2003

Great news! Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Tuesday that he
would be willing to come to Israel under certain conditions. "I would
[visit] after the Jewish leadership would go the Muslim countries and
explain why they call Muslims 'terrorists,'" he said. "That would be fair.
Then I will go to Tel Aviv and explain why I said what I said."

Well, Your Excellency, I may not be a Jewish leader, and we may not be
allowed to set foot in any Muslim country, but I would love to take you up
on your challenge, though I must admit to being taken aback by the
simplicity of your question.

I would have expected a more difficult challenge. I thought perhaps you
would request that we Israelis would learn to stand patiently in a line, or
perhaps start driving defensively. Indeed, the ease of the answer to your
question proves to me that you must be just dying to visit us in Tel Aviv.
And why not, Mahathir? If, as you claim, we Jews rule the world, why not be
close to the center of global power, the hub of world domination? If, as you
apparently believe, we get the whole world to fight our wars by proxy, hey,
why not come on down and learn from the masters of persuasion?

So, just to make sure you get the chance to hop on an El Al jet and visit
the Holy Land, you ask us a powderpuff question that even the simple son
could answer on Passover. Very clever, Your Excellency! You're catching on

I am tempted to say that a harder question would be finding reasons not to
call Muslims "terrorists." To be clear, I am in no way implying that all
Muslims are terrorists. But to imply, as you seem to be doing, that it is
somehow difficult to find reasons to call Muslims "terrorists," or, for that
matter, to find Muslim terrorists, well, sir, you are certainly assuring
your prompt arrival on the shores of the Zionist entity.

Still, I would hate to miss the opportunity to host you in the Jewish
Homeland, so I will bite at your bait as if it were lox on a line, herring
on a hook.

I know you believe that increasingly, Jews are foolish enough to believe the
various peace plans being offered by the Arabs, just as the Jews in the time
of the original Mohammed back in the 8th century bought the phony and
temporary pact he offered at Hudaibiyah. It is a precedent you cited as
proof that we Jews can be lured into mistakes, believing in the various
false promises your co-religionists repeatedly offer us.

But to explain why one would call Muslims "terrorists"? You must be joking.

I realize you wouldn't consider it objective if we Jews were to define
terrorism, so let's make do with the U.S. State Department definition. Yes,
yes, I know that for you, the people over at State are just Zionist tools,
proxies for their warmonger overlords in Jerusalem.

But hey, for whatever reason: somebody over there in Foggy Bottom seems to
have a foggy idea about what constitutes a terrorist attack:

"(1) The hijacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft,
vessel, or vehicle).

"(2) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue
to detain, another individual in order compel a third person (including a
governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an
explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or

(3) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person or upon the
liberty of such a person.

(4) An assassination.

(5) The use on any biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or
device, or

(6) explosive or firearm (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with
intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more
individuals or to cause substantial damage to property.

(7) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.

Gosh, do you really need any examples of Muslim involvement in each and
every one of the foregoing, anywhere (everywhere) in the world? Do you have
a few days to remember? Suffice it to raise just a few brief reminders, none
of which occurred in Israel: Entebbe, Achille Lauro, Munich, Daniel Pearl,
World Trade Center. And there are a few thousand more where those came from.
In the last few years.

But actually, Mr. Prime Minister, I recognize you weren't asking for a
definition of terrorism but of "terrorist." The State Department has
something to say about that as well:

"One who knows, or reasonably should know, affords material support to any
individual, organization, or government in conducting a terrorist activity
at any time, including any of the following acts: "(1) The preparation or
planning of a terrorist activity."(2) the gathering of information on
potential targets for terrorist activity."(3) The providing of any type of
material support, including a safe house, transportation, communication,
funds, false identification, weapons, explosives, or training, to any
individual the actor knows or has reason to believe has committed or plans
to commit a terrorist activity. "(4) The soliciting of funds or other things
of value for terrorist activity of for any terrorist organization. "(5) The
solicitation of any individual for membership in a terrorist organization,
terrorist government, or to engage in a terrorist activity."

So how many is that? 10? 12? 9? 11? Well, I guess I've lost count of reasons
why one might call Muslims "terrorists." But you may be thinking: "I don't
care what you call me, just call me"? Well, Mr. Prime Minister, we Jews are
calling you!

So, Your Excellency, without further ado: start packing!

We've prepared a VIP itinerary just for you. I look forward to showing you
where the Elders of Zion meet (on a daily basis, as they are choosing
lottery numbers) to plot world domination. We can go to the beach, where the
Israeli girls are plotting in their bikinis how to seduce Arab leaders. We
can visit the blood matzah factory and you can sample the wares. We can eat
the chickpeas so you can see and smell how we prepare poison gas.

You said it yourself: "It cannot be that there is no other way; 1.3 billion
Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews." Ah, but it can be.
Indeed, sir, we are showing you how: just ask, and we will try to answer.
Learn from the People of the Book and next time you'll ask us a harder
question. Maybe next time we'll need to look it up.

But I must say, yes, Mr. Prime Minister! I agree with you when you said:
"For well over half a century we have fought over Palestine. What have we
achieved? Nothing. We are worse off than before." That is wise. If only
those who support the armed struggle would learn!

Indeed, you are so wise in matters of statecraft that it occurs to me that
there can be only one explanation for the dumb question you want us to
answer in order to invite you to our country, and exercise your "right of
return" with far more right than Palestinian Muslims, whether terrorists or

Mahathir Mohamad, you don't need to explain to me why you said what you
said. Since you clearly have a yiddische kopf, it's pretty obvious: you must
be Jewish!

You may want to save some of your next questions for your Mom.

But, in the meantime, please repeat after me: "L'shana haba b'yerushalayim.
Next year in Jerusalem!"

Mahathir, I hope you enjoy falafel with your gefilte fish.'ll also notice the deafening silence since 3 US citizens were
murdered last week!
Probably trying to find a way to blame the Jews for that as well - The PLA
already has.

Harry said:
Nice to see some balance in the group for a change.
It's not just the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian terrorism, but
the left-wing 'alleged pacifists
It's good to be normal and centrist!!

"MIDIcian" (tm) said:
Gee, all of a sudden the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian
terrorism are silent????

Oh well, I'm gonna present this anyway - - - -

9-11 reasons to call Muslims "terrorists"
By Reuven Koret October 22, 2003

Great news! Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Tuesday that he
would be willing to come to Israel under certain conditions. "I would
[visit] after the Jewish leadership would go the Muslim countries and
explain why they call Muslims 'terrorists,'" he said. "That would be fair.
Then I will go to Tel Aviv and explain why I said what I said."

Well, Your Excellency, I may not be a Jewish leader, and we may not be
allowed to set foot in any Muslim country, but I would love to take you up
on your challenge, though I must admit to being taken aback by the
simplicity of your question.

I would have expected a more difficult challenge. I thought perhaps you
would request that we Israelis would learn to stand patiently in a line, or
perhaps start driving defensively. Indeed, the ease of the answer to your
question proves to me that you must be just dying to visit us in Tel Aviv.
And why not, Mahathir? If, as you claim, we Jews rule the world, why not be
close to the center of global power, the hub of world domination? If, as you
apparently believe, we get the whole world to fight our wars by proxy, hey,
why not come on down and learn from the masters of persuasion?

So, just to make sure you get the chance to hop on an El Al jet and visit
the Holy Land, you ask us a powderpuff question that even the simple son
could answer on Passover. Very clever, Your Excellency! You're catching on

I am tempted to say that a harder question would be finding reasons not to
call Muslims "terrorists." To be clear, I am in no way implying that all
Muslims are terrorists. But to imply, as you seem to be doing, that it is
somehow difficult to find reasons to call Muslims "terrorists," or, for that
matter, to find Muslim terrorists, well, sir, you are certainly assuring
your prompt arrival on the shores of the Zionist entity.

Still, I would hate to miss the opportunity to host you in the Jewish
Homeland, so I will bite at your bait as if it were lox on a line, herring
on a hook.

I know you believe that increasingly, Jews are foolish enough to believe the
various peace plans being offered by the Arabs, just as the Jews in the time
of the original Mohammed back in the 8th century bought the phony and
temporary pact he offered at Hudaibiyah. It is a precedent you cited as
proof that we Jews can be lured into mistakes, believing in the various
false promises your co-religionists repeatedly offer us.

But to explain why one would call Muslims "terrorists"? You must be joking.

I realize you wouldn't consider it objective if we Jews were to define
terrorism, so let's make do with the U.S. State Department definition. Yes,
yes, I know that for you, the people over at State are just Zionist tools,
proxies for their warmonger overlords in Jerusalem.

But hey, for whatever reason: somebody over there in Foggy Bottom seems to
have a foggy idea about what constitutes a terrorist attack:

"(1) The hijacking or sabotage of any conveyance (including an aircraft,
vessel, or vehicle).

"(2) The seizing or detaining, and threatening to kill, injure, or continue
to detain, another individual in order compel a third person (including a
governmental organization) to do or abstain from doing any act as an
explicit or implicit condition for the release of the individual seized or

(3) A violent attack upon an internationally protected person or upon the
liberty of such a person.

(4) An assassination.

(5) The use on any biological agent, chemical agent, or nuclear weapon or
device, or

(6) explosive or firearm (other than for mere personal monetary gain), with
intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more
individuals or to cause substantial damage to property.

(7) A threat, attempt, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.

Gosh, do you really need any examples of Muslim involvement in each and
every one of the foregoing, anywhere (everywhere) in the world? Do you have
a few days to remember? Suffice it to raise just a few brief reminders, none
of which occurred in Israel: Entebbe, Achille Lauro, Munich, Daniel Pearl,
World Trade Center. And there are a few thousand more where those came from.
In the last few years.

But actually, Mr. Prime Minister, I recognize you weren't asking for a
definition of terrorism but of "terrorist." The State Department has
something to say about that as well:

"One who knows, or reasonably should know, affords material support to any
individual, organization, or government in conducting a terrorist activity
at any time, including any of the following acts: "(1) The preparation or
planning of a terrorist activity."(2) the gathering of information on
potential targets for terrorist activity."(3) The providing of any type of
material support, including a safe house, transportation, communication,
funds, false identification, weapons, explosives, or training, to any
individual the actor knows or has reason to believe has committed or plans
to commit a terrorist activity. "(4) The soliciting of funds or other things
of value for terrorist activity of for any terrorist organization. "(5) The
solicitation of any individual for membership in a terrorist organization,
terrorist government, or to engage in a terrorist activity."

So how many is that? 10? 12? 9? 11? Well, I guess I've lost count of reasons
why one might call Muslims "terrorists." But you may be thinking: "I don't
care what you call me, just call me"? Well, Mr. Prime Minister, we Jews are
calling you!

So, Your Excellency, without further ado: start packing!

We've prepared a VIP itinerary just for you. I look forward to showing you
where the Elders of Zion meet (on a daily basis, as they are choosing
lottery numbers) to plot world domination. We can go to the beach, where the
Israeli girls are plotting in their bikinis how to seduce Arab leaders. We
can visit the blood matzah factory and you can sample the wares. We can eat
the chickpeas so you can see and smell how we prepare poison gas.

You said it yourself: "It cannot be that there is no other way; 1.3 billion
Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews." Ah, but it can be.
Indeed, sir, we are showing you how: just ask, and we will try to answer.
Learn from the People of the Book and next time you'll ask us a harder
question. Maybe next time we'll need to look it up.

But I must say, yes, Mr. Prime Minister! I agree with you when you said:
"For well over half a century we have fought over Palestine. What have we
achieved? Nothing. We are worse off than before." That is wise. If only
those who support the armed struggle would learn!

Indeed, you are so wise in matters of statecraft that it occurs to me that
there can be only one explanation for the dumb question you want us to
answer in order to invite you to our country, and exercise your "right of
return" with far more right than Palestinian Muslims, whether terrorists or

Mahathir Mohamad, you don't need to explain to me why you said what you
said. Since you clearly have a yiddische kopf, it's pretty obvious: you must
be Jewish!

You may want to save some of your next questions for your Mom.

But, in the meantime, please repeat after me: "L'shana haba b'yerushalayim.
Next year in Jerusalem!"

Mahathir, I hope you enjoy falafel with your gefilte fish.
The "Steve Rodgers" right-wing extremist censor-nazi whines -
... I personally,do not care one little bit. ... speaking for myself NOT

You seem to have a bit of a bit of a incongretuity (sp?) problem with your

Your "Close, Personal Friend",

The most important website on Earth
Harry said:
Nice to see some balance in the group for a change.
It's not just the right-wing extremists promoting Palestinian terrorism, but
the left-wing 'alleged pacifists ...

You mixed it up - they aren't left-wing IMHO, but right-wing extremists
pretending to be leftys in an attempt to give us a bad image. You should've
said " ... the alleged left-wing pacafists ... ", IMHO.

It's good to be normal and centrist!!

"Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you." - Pretenders?

nl: 'I Robot' by 'Alan Parsons Project' (later - Robert Palmer tribute on
Harry said:'ll also notice the deafening silence since 3 US citizens were
murdered last week!
Probably trying to find a way to blame the Jews for that as well - The PLA
already has.

I read that today on that one.

Err, the word is "congruity".
+- +- +- +-
"MIDIcian" (tm) said:
The "Steve Rodgers" right-wing extremist censor-nazi whines -

You seem to have a bit of a bit of a incongretuity (sp?) problem with your

Your "Close, Personal Friend",

The most important website on Earth
I understand that when you sleep you recharge your memory, so try getting a
full 8 hours of sleep. And thanks for the correction.

"Spinning wheel, got to go 'round" - Blood, Sweat & Tears
+- +- +- +-
Steve Rodgers said:
Thats Good

Thats Bad,

The groups you are posting to are nothing to do with the political rubbish
you are spouting.
You are *Off Topic Posting*
I personally,do not care one little bit.
Others in these groups may feel the same way as I do, they may not; but the
fact remains,
your posts are OFF TOPIC,and speaking for myself NOT WELCOME.

If you want to have a policical debate in a news group, join one of the many
existing ones, or even start your own.

Please do not post here.

Also when I opened your post, somthing in it tried to access my address
book, so you may want to run a virus scanner as well.

Steve Rodgers.

I don't agree with their posting here either Steve, but your comment
about the virus is WAAAAAAY paranoid. That just aint't happening.
I am sorry you think it is paranoid, but the fact remains when I clicked on
the post to view the message sent by "MIDIcian" (tm) I was warned that
something tried to access my address book.

I am not in the habit of making up stories or over dramatizing things.

As much as I disagree with the original post, I genuinely wanted to warn the
poster that he may have a virus and that he may want to run a virus scanner.

Just trying to help thats all.

There was an image left over from the webpage I copied one of those articles
from, thought I had cut all of 'em out. It didn't try and open my address
book when I opened the post, you're lying.

+- +- +- +-
Oh I am sorry, I did not realise you were looking over my shoulder when the
warning message "did not" come up.

"Steve Rodgers" continues to lie (at least about the origin of his
problems) -
These assholes are just rabid anti-semites!

They twist and turn with all their left-wing journalist friends.

Take for example targeted assassinations, like the first lightning strike in
the recent war against Saddam Hussein, which was followed up with more
targeted strikes against Saddam, his sons, and others such as "Chemical
Ali." These hits were hailed as masterstroke by the media. U.S. leaders said
that they were instrumental in shortening the war.

On the other hand, when Israel pursues terrorist leaders with targeted
strikes, they are criticized by the world community as excessive and
provocative. That is because Exception #1 of World Politics states: Targeted
killings of terrorists are okay, except when the terrorist is killing Jews.

Civilian casualties? 2 months ago, the Associated Press reported there were
over 3,200 civilian deaths in the recent Iraq war. The United States
government says as much as they have tried, civilian deaths are unavoidable
because the Iraqi military is breaking the rules of Geneva Convention by
deploying in civilian areas.

It was just a year ago that an Israeli Air Force jet dropped a bomb on a
Gaza apartment building housing Salah Shehadeh, the commander of Hamas who
had ordered scores of terrorist acts. In the bombing, 15 civilians perished.

Israel was severely rebuked.

Obviously the IDF never read Exception #2 of World Politics:

Civilian deaths are to be avoided, but cannot be criticized when the enemy
is using civilians as human shields... except when you are targeting someone
who is killing Jews.

There is another rule which relates to terrorism. Everyone knows that
September 11 was terrorism, that the Bali nightclub was terror, that the
airline shoe bomber was a terrorist. Terrorism is defined as "intentionally
targeting civilians to advance a political cause." Simple, right?

But open up you local paper and see how perpetrators of the following
attacks are described: bus bombing in Jerusalem, Seder massacre in Netanya,
Bat Mitzvah shooting in Hadera, shopping mall bombing in Haifa.

Instead of "terror," the media uses terms like "militant" and "activist."

Which brings us to Exception #3 of World Politics: Do not hesitate to call
terrorists "terrorists" -- except when they're targeting Jews.

And then there's the whole issue of eliminating terror from our global
landscape. After September 11, President Bush declared war on terrorists and
"all who harbour them." The issue is black and white. There is no
negotiating with terrorists. After the recent terror attacks in Saudi
Arabia, Vice President Cheney declared, "The only way to deal with this
threat ultimately is to destroy it. There's no treaty that can solve this

There's no peace agreement, no policy of containment or deterrence that
works to deal with this threat. We have to go find the terrorists."

Throughout the 1990s, Yasser Arafat enjoyed full immunity, despite not
arresting terrorists, stopping funding or confiscating weapons. Under his
watchful eye (and often with his signature), Palestinian terror groups
organized, trained, armed -- and killed hundreds. And now as the road map
continues to fall apart, the Palestinian Prime Minister has declared that
he will not forcibly disarm Hamas, preferring instead to work with them so
that they agree to go along (temporarily) with the diplomatic route.

Recently, faced with 53 separate terror alerts in ONE WEEK, Israel finally
decided to take out Hamas co-founder and terror chief Abdel Aziz Rantisi.

After the missile strike (which Rantisi narrowly escaped), world
condemnation of the IDF was resounding; President Bush called Israel's
action "troubling."

It highlighted Exception #4 of World Politics: Weed out and fight terrorism
wherever you may find it... except if the terrorists are targeting Jews.

Without knowing these basic exceptions to the rules of world politics, how
can anyone make sense of the Mideast situation?

Unless of course, you add into the equation, the centuries old perversity of
hating the Jew, and the blood libel.
You got just about everything on the proper level playing field except for
one thing - they aren't really "left-wing journalist"s, IMHO, they're
right-wing extremist lying type propaganda artists. They may *call*
themselves left-wing or allow you to think that, that's part of their game.

"They're getting in
They're getting inside" - Supertramp

Stan Rosenthal
+- +- +- +-
But that's the whole point. Whether they call themselves left-wing and use
pacifist bullshit to defend anti-Semitism, or just come straight out with it
and label themselves proud nazis, the upshot is they all go for the Jews.
Whatever they call themselves, it's just the same centuries old
The only thing that really makes me laugh, is that they call Israel 'Nazis'.
If that is the case, surely the white supremacists should give them a break,
as they speak the same language???!!!???.....and that folks just about sums
the whole thing up - B U L L S H I T!!