In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
I have a parts list - but not repair instructions for this model. From what
I can deduce from the picture, the front brakes are broadly similar - but
not identical - to those on my 1999 V70.
In general terms, for each front wheel:
* Turn the steering so that the wheel in question is pointing outwards
* Jack up the front of the car and remove the roadwheel
* Compress the hydraulic cylinder to provide clearance between disc and pads
[Do this with a pair of pliers or G-clamp between the pad and back of the
cylinder. DO NOT lever on the disc. Make sure that the master cylinder
doesn't overflow - sucking excess fluid out with an old hypodermic syringe
(minus needle!) if necessary]
* The cylinder assembly is fastened to a bracket attached to the hub
assembly by one or two large bolts - which allows it to move sideways
slightly to press both pads against the disc. Remove this bolt/these bolts
and carefully pull the cylinder assembly - complete with pads - forward,
clear of the disc. [Leave the flexible hydraulic hose attached, and support
the cylinder assenbly so as not to strain the hose
* The handbook should specify a minimum permissible disc thickness and
maximum permissible runout. [You will need a micrometer and dial gauge to
measure these. BOTH discs must be replaced if either is out of spec or badly
* Assuming the discs are ok, fit the new pads in place of the old one -
taking careful note of the position of any anti-squeal shims - and
*Pump the brake pedal a few times to centre the pads