Getting the stereo out of a 940

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lynyrd Skinhead
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Lynyrd Skinhead


Haynes are near useless again and, knowing me, I'll go at it like a bull in
a china shop and destroy the dash.

All help would be greatfully received.

The year of the 940 might be helpful. Also, describe the existing stereo.
Factory? Digital or analog?

I've removed them from both my 89 760 and 96 960 and they were much
* ash tray out
* fuse bank out
* cover off, then screw out
of small ring around cig lighter
* outside frame off
* tabs on each side of radio pushed in
* slid radio out & unplug 3-5 wires..

** make sure you know the theft code b4 messing w/radio...
Pull off the Knobs.
Reach in next to the shafts with a small screw driver.
Pry the metal tabs with the square holes toward the center.
Sometimes you have to push in some to free the tabs.
Once the catches release it slides out.


79 245 D,
81 240 D,
86 240 320,000mi and running fine when traded
94 944 Green 257,503 mi CRUNCH Parted out
94 944 White 149,000 The New one
94 944 Maroon 135,000 mi