hello folks - we have a 1985 Volvo 740gle and the blower motor sound like a bearing or the cage came loose as it runmbling and started with a whine like a bound up motor.. the speed switch seems to work..so I removed the two screws holding the glove box in and tryed to determine how to get in the area I hear the motor sound area// itslike a black plastic caseing and Im not sure how to access it. is there any exploded view pics anyone has and am i in the right area or is there a better way? Ive never worked on a volvo its my sons car.. also I had hoped to remove the part and take to the auto parts store to make sure we have the right replacement as it seem that people suggest a GM part.. the one Orielly's showed me is a aftermarket and has one terminal on it. all help would be greatly appreciated to walk me through this best,Tom