If any one out there has a 1996 960 Volvo or any other related volvo
between 1992-1997 I have this great mechanic that has done wonders
with my car and also let me add that his charges are very affordable.
Yeah I have had everything and anything happen wrong to my car.
Awhile back I had my ignition switch trippen, the key was stuck and
well lets just say I almost went crazy. He took my car have day and
lets just say its been over a month now and hasn't had any problems.
between 1992-1997 I have this great mechanic that has done wonders
with my car and also let me add that his charges are very affordable.
Yeah I have had everything and anything happen wrong to my car.
Awhile back I had my ignition switch trippen, the key was stuck and
well lets just say I almost went crazy. He took my car have day and
lets just say its been over a month now and hasn't had any problems.