[Q] how to debug shorted tail light and left turn signal light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ohmyvolvo, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. ohmyvolvo

    ohmyvolvo Guest

    It seems that my volvo 960 tail light is shorted to rear left turn
    signal light.
    If I turn on left turn signal light, tail light also flashes.
    If I turn on tail light, rear left turn signal light is also turned on
    (no flashing).
    Unplugging connector to rear left bulb unit didn't affect it (still
    left turn signal indicator is stuck if I turn on tail light.)
    What would be the next thing I could easily do before going to
    ohmyvolvo, Oct 25, 2004
  2. ohmyvolvo

    volvoguy Guest

    Try checking the ground wire and ground point. A loose/poor ground can
    cause all sorts of weird problems
    volvoguy, Oct 26, 2004
  3. Replace both light bulbs and check for fault still there. I had this on a
    Pontiac GTO at front which was bad lamp bulb (had internal short).

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Oct 26, 2004
  4. ohmyvolvo

    ohmyvolvo Guest

    Thank you very much, it was the dual filament bulb of which two
    contacts shorted together.
    ohmyvolvo, Nov 14, 2004
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