So if we don't buy new cars, why are we concerned about the fate of
their manufacturers?
All cars start out new at some point. I'll let some other sucker pay the
depreciation, but realistically I'll have to buy a newer car at some
point, it's only a matter of time before somebody hits mine or critical
parts start to get too hard to find.
It's also just sad to see a unique company I've been loyal to become
just another brand name. The same thing happened to Saab, they built a
fantastic and very unique product up until the early 90s at which point
GM trashed them and recently left for dead. There is so much of that
these days, just look at all the famous 70s hi-fi names that are now
simply brands slapped on cheap Chinese junk. It used to be a brand meant
something, you could buy brand X and know what you were getting, these
days brands are nothing but marketing, hollow names slapped onto
products produced by the lowest bidder. You might buy one today that is
excellent, then buy another next month of the same brand and model only
to find it falls apart. I know that China is capable of building good
stuff, but the quality control and consistency are terrible. There are
so many products that are just utter garbage that flat out don't live up
to claims and you can rarely tell until you've bought it.