Some random good news - The 960 has finally "broken in"

Discussion in 'Volvo 960' started by Guest, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    150,000 kms?!

    I service a '96 3litre 24 965 with 250k *miles* on the clock (400,000km)
    original gearbox and engine untouched (though does burn abit of oil)

    Guest, Jun 7, 2004
  2. nice Rob !!.....I guess you are "in the club".. ;-)
    they (a good volvo) get feeling real nice around 50k
    miles.....then....who knows?....i would think at least
    a fed hunderd thousand miles...nice to here the 960 is
    crusin.....thats a nice sedan...i could see snapping one
    up off of eBay some day, i see real nice ones every once and
    a 93 940t just turned 235k miles the other day...
    still solid, no rattles...a bit "over boosted"...those turbos
    sure do run hot.....we cooked some fresh trout in foil the other
    day on our way back from flyfishing.....theywere "done" in
    about 30min...tasty......

    i am still having problems w/my tranny...i think i am about
    to blow out another may be the added stress of 13-15psi
    on the drivetrain.......

    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jun 7, 2004
  3. Guest

    Rob Guenther Guest

    Just some good news, as it's nice to not just hear about problems.

    Our 1993 965 has finally been broken in. On a 1200km round trip to Montreal
    this weekend, she finally rolled over to 150 000kms!! 11 years and the
    engine is still basically new, at least according to this newsgroup.

    Never a check engine light for 150K Kms either, so that means none for the
    next 150, right? ;-)...

    The old car still held its own again all those new overpowered SUVs that
    have been clogging the left lane - got around 9-10L per 100kms doing
    120-130kph all the way (and spinning at RPMs low enough to make my VW diesel
    jealous ;-) ) - and the suspension suffered no damage even after dealing
    with some of the worst roads I have ever seen (Ontario rebuilds its roads
    every so often, I guess Quebec has better things to spend money on....
    health care or something, who knows?).

    So is she finally a "high mileage" Volvo? Or do I have to wait till 200K Kms
    for that priveledge? - by that time 250-300K Kms might be the minimum,
    Rob Guenther, Jun 8, 2004
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