Speedometer problems with my 1992 940 GL

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by Don b., Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Don b.

    Don b. Guest

    When I bought the car the speedometer didn't work. I sent it in for repair.
    Speedometer Service Co. fixed it but after installation it will work
    correctly for a few seconds, then peg the needle, then settle back to no
    reading at all. The odometer works fine as does the tripmeter. So I don't
    think it's the sending unit. I sent it back to be checked and have been
    told it works fine on the bench.

    I'm not the one taking it in and out of my car. That's done by a local
    Volvo GOD (IMHO)! So it's not my fumble fingered installation!

    A little unimportant background info. From my understanding. For a few years
    ('91-'93 I think) a division of Honda made the 940 speedometers. These are
    known for failing... Later improved models are not interchangeable.
    The "good" news is you can get a fresh new one from Volvo for $730 US!

    Anyone have any similar experience or ideas

    Don b., Apr 4, 2008
  2. Don b.

    James Sweet Guest

    Send it back to the place that fixed it, if the odo works then the speedo is
    still broken.
    James Sweet, Apr 4, 2008
  3. Don b.

    don b. Guest

    It's there now. I'm told it has 100 miles on the bench with no problems.
    It's being rechecked for the second time.
    don b., Apr 4, 2008
  4. Don b.

    Perry Noid Guest

    there are two electrolytic capacitors on the circuit board for the
    speedometer... When mine stopped working about a year ago, I unsoldered them
    and replaced them with some from my junk box (new ones might cost a dollar
    or so)... worked fine since then! ('89 240 wagon)...
    Perry Noid, Apr 5, 2008
  5. I fixed the problem with my wifes speedo I set it so it looks like shes
    doing more than she is had only one ticket since .I run just under the
    speed limit so the cops cant get me but they have still tried .Once I tell
    them I won the first case against a radar cop in Australia they seem to lose
    interest as well I always carry a tape recorder .Less than 2 miles an hour
    over the limit is a large fine 3klms and hour here as well they put up road
    spped indicators which are under the true speed catching many out .The
    latest is speed cameras in Rubbish bins .
    John Robertson, May 6, 2008
  6. Don b.

    James Sweet Guest

    That's weird, 10 years of driving Volvos and I've been pulled over exactly
    once in my life, and it was for a burned out license plate light in a rural
    area. I swear they're invisible to cops in the US, I don't drive
    particularly slow either.
    James Sweet, May 6, 2008
  7. Don b.

    Someone Guest

    I ended up with a new speedo in my 91 240 and it cost ~ $700 + taxes.
    Fortunately, I didn't pay for it, the garage who damaged the speedo
    while working on it had to order and pay for a new one.
    Someone, May 6, 2008
  8. Don b.

    Someone Guest

    Speaking of speed cameras, the other day I saw a M-B with a sort of
    transparent plastic over the rear licence plate. It worked
    flawlessly. From 0-10 feet from the plate, everything was clear and
    readable, but as soon as you went further then 10 feet, it gradually
    and quickly became invisible (the numbers on the plate, that is).

    I wish I could have stopped him and asked him where he got it. I've
    never seen another car with such an effective plastic to hide your

    If anyone knows, please let us know.
    Someone, May 6, 2008
  9. Don b.

    don b. Guest

    I'm not sure everyone has seen the TV show Myth busters but they did one on
    all these methods of obscuring a tag. Not one of them worked against the
    camera. The number was clear on every photo. Perhaps because the camera uses
    a strobe...
    don b., May 6, 2008
  10. Don b.

    don b. Guest

    By the way. My speedometer problem on my '92 944 (that this
    post was originally about) is as bad as ever.

    To date I have had the speedometer in the repair facility
    twice. They assure me it's done 100 simulated miles on the bench
    without a tick.

    I have tried a new replacement sensor on the differential
    with no change in performance. Still wildly erratic.

    I've rewired the last 16 inches of the connecting wiring harness
    to the speedometer sensor. Since it's a known problem with the
    insulation going bad from exposure.

    No change.
    don b., May 7, 2008
  11. Don b.

    James Sweet Guest

    That's so weird, there's really nothing to the speedo wiring, just a
    pair of wires going back to the sender, one pin on the speedo is power
    from the fuse box, one is ground, and the other goes to the sensor.
    Makes me wonder if the speedo is picking up electrical noise. Can you
    get a junkyard speedo just to see if it works?
    James Sweet, May 7, 2008
  12. Don b.

    Perry Noid Guest

    had speedometer problem in my '89 240 a year or so ago... from the circuit
    diagram, I noticed there are two electrolytic capacitors on the board. One
    is across the + and - power lines, so acts as a noise filter. The other
    apparently "integrates" the pulses from the differential. I simply replaced
    both of them with same-value caps and no more problem!

    even at RadioShack, the caps shouldn't be more than a couple bucks...
    Perry Noid, May 7, 2008
  13. Don b.

    z Guest

    sounds like time for a visit to the junkyard....
    z, May 7, 2008
  14. Don b.

    John Smith Guest

    Good old Victoria..the most overgoverned overtaxed overrated state in
    Australia (yet with inept police), and only just behind NSW for having
    the most incompetent government (well actually behind NSW and Kevin
    Dud). I share your pain John .

    John Smith, May 8, 2008
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