My Oil Sender Sensor was leaking oil, not from around it, but from
INSIDE it. So, I screwed in a brass screw in the hole, sealed it with
JB Weld and now we have NO LEAKS.
I'm going to order a new sensor and wire, but I was leaking oil like a
bleeding soldier in a M*A*S*H episode.
Finally, after driving 20 minutes - bone dry.
Kind of makes you want to sing, "do a little dance, make a little
love, get down tonight! Get down tonight!"
(or maybe not...)
Here's a pic:
INSIDE it. So, I screwed in a brass screw in the hole, sealed it with
JB Weld and now we have NO LEAKS.
I'm going to order a new sensor and wire, but I was leaking oil like a
bleeding soldier in a M*A*S*H episode.
Finally, after driving 20 minutes - bone dry.
Kind of makes you want to sing, "do a little dance, make a little
love, get down tonight! Get down tonight!"
(or maybe not...)
Here's a pic: