The greedy, ruthless, tyranical, theiving bastards in Sacramento, CA

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Mr. Blah Tee Dah

Well, maybe this has been talked about already, but I'm royaller
pissed about it, nonetheless. It seems that BAR is now pulling out all
the stops as far as emitions testing is concerned. They have a new
evap testing machine in CA that can find even the slightest, tiniest
leak in the fuel hoses of an older car. My mom's '90 740 GLE barely
failed the other day because of this. And they don't make it easy to
fix, either. It seems if you want to do the job yourself, you have to
buy a smoke machine that costs over a thousand dollars. Well, you know
what? I don't give a rat's ass, anymore. I'll drive my car with
expired stickers. I don't care. If I thought that they meant well, it
would be different. But the whole damn thing is an inconsistent bag of
horse-manure, and if a cop pulls me over, and threatens to impound my
car for having bad tags, well screw him. I'll run his ass over, and
then let the rest of the fuz blow my brains out in a high speed chace.
It's better than living out on the street, because I couldn't drive to
There's no such thing as barely failing. It either passes or it
doesn't. Just get the car fixed so that it isn't a hazard (emissions
and safety). Or send it to the junkyard. And I would caution you
against making threats against police officers as well as anyone
else. Such statements could very well land you in a heap of real
Roadie said:
There's no such thing as barely failing. It either passes or it
doesn't. Just get the car fixed so that it isn't a hazard (emissions
and safety). Or send it to the junkyard. And I would caution you
against making threats against police officers as well as anyone
else. Such statements could very well land you in a heap of real

I saw this new 'test' when smogging a friends truck a couple weeks back.
Costs $20.00 extra for the test, btw, and my smog guy hates it.
Expensive machine and a pita to use.
I'm afraid my ol' '83 245 is not going to pass this one next year,
judging by the fuel smells when I walk away from it after a run.
Probably just take the $800.00 CA gives for compacting GPs and buy
another one.

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