After starting the engine of my 2002 1.9 TD the service light burns. After
a few km's the service light turns off. It does not mattter if the engine
is cold or warm.
Which parts of the car give the sign to the service light?
It shows for like 2 min or so to remind you to have the car serviced, it
doesnt mean it has registered any faults.
The light shows after approximately one year. Some sort of computer
calculates when next service is due from how many times the car has been
started, how long you have driven etc.
If you want to reset it, i believe this is the way
1. Hold down the odometer button
2. Turn the ignition so all the lights come on
3. Keep holding the odometer down for 30 secs or until the service light
starts flashing
4. Release the odometer button while service light flashing
5. Turn off and on again to check
Greetings Niels