Volvo 480 Pop Up Headlights stuch down

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blackrat999
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The headlights on my 480 work but are stuck down, any possible solutions
greatfully accepted ?!!!
The fuse appears to be ok, is there a relay for them or maybe a way of
winding them up permanently ?
There is a mechanical winder for positioning of the headlamps, difficult to
reach but useable.

All the best, Peter.

700/900/90 Register Keeper,
Volvo Owners Club (UK).
Peter K L Milnes said:
There is a mechanical winder for positioning of the headlamps, difficult
to reach but useable.

All the best, Peter.

700/900/90 Register Keeper,
Volvo Owners Club (UK).
thanks for that - i found that and wound them up, then turned the ignition
on and they went down again ! i then removed the fuse once they were wound
up and they noy stay up. a few other things dont work with the fuse out
which is a bit of a pain but better than no lights !
any idea where the relay is that controls the lights ?