| | > We won't be running out any time soon - just the shale oil deposits in
| > Colorado, currently unexploited, will sustain current usage for about
| > years - currently exploited deposits will also last hundreds of years.
| > have plenty of time to develop "alternative transportation" and SUVs
| > no problem except in the minds of the environmentalist whackos who don't
| > live in the real world.....
| >
| That would certainly be nice, though why then are we still dependent on
| middle eastern sources and considering drilling in the wildlife refuge?
It makes sense to burn up THEIR reserves while preserving our own.....fact
is, we aren't "dependent" on them at all, but rather are suffering the
consequences of stupid energy policies that permit them to hold us
up.....another example of the gospel according to Pogo: "We have met the
enemy and it are us!"
Drilling in the refuge will simply provide an alternate source of cheap
fuel - and the phoney claims that it "endangers"
anything are silly at best......
| don't consider myself an environmentalist but that just sorta defies
| sense.
Au contraire, it's the phoney claims that defy common sense, one wonders
just how many people are willing to drink the Kool Aid rather than educate
themselves and form opinions based on facts, reason and logic....! Nowadays,
too many are ruled by "slogans" wildly proclaimed by demagogues....!
|When it comes right down to it I don't really care what people drive,
| though IMO anything less than 25 mpg is pathetic unless it's a vehicle
| for towing something or hauling heavy cargo.
It's none of your business - just as it's none of mine how you choose to
employ motor vehicles.....
| I still don't have much sympathy for those who whine about gas prices, I
| afford gas for my car, if you can't then get a more efficient car or don't
| drive as much.
Whiners don't deserve any sympathy, regardless of what they are whining