My '84 240ti was running Ok; I parked it for a few weeks.
While it was parked, something happened.
Now, it is hard to start, and harder to keep running, and has little
to no power.
The starter turns the engine Ok, it finally will 'catch' and start.
But then, it acts as if it is being 'held back.'
I rev it up, but it won't rev past about 3000 rpm's.
Even then, it barely has enough power to move the car, and will go
dead when I let out the clutch. I can slip the clutch a bit trying to
keep up the rpm's, but still, its a no-go.
I guess it will be towed to a shop.
But first I thought to ask if anyone has an idea.
Maybe a switch of some sort went bad?
Thanks in advance.
Atlanta, GA
89 240 91k
84 240 ti 200k
My '84 240ti was running Ok; I parked it for a few weeks.
While it was parked, something happened.
Now, it is hard to start, and harder to keep running, and has little
to no power.
The starter turns the engine Ok, it finally will 'catch' and start.
But then, it acts as if it is being 'held back.'
I rev it up, but it won't rev past about 3000 rpm's.
Even then, it barely has enough power to move the car, and will go
dead when I let out the clutch. I can slip the clutch a bit trying to
keep up the rpm's, but still, its a no-go.
I guess it will be towed to a shop.
But first I thought to ask if anyone has an idea.
Maybe a switch of some sort went bad?
Thanks in advance.
Atlanta, GA
89 240 91k
84 240 ti 200k