84 DL Auto Transmission probs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mel
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I have a 1984 volvo DL, Automatic transmission. When I'm in 4th gear
and it's downshifts to 3rd, sometimes it briefly goes into 2nd gear
before shifting in to 3rd. On the upshift it will briefly go into 2nd
gear before shifting to 4th. This doesn't happen all the time, but
often enough I concerned. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Do you know which transmission you have? The ZF shifter shows 4 forward
gears, while the BW has 3 gears plus an overdrive button.

Mel said:
I have a 1984 volvo DL, Automatic transmission. When I'm in 4th gear
and it's downshifts to 3rd, sometimes it briefly goes into 2nd gear
before shifting in to 3rd. On the upshift it will briefly go into 2nd
gear before shifting to 4th. This doesn't happen all the time, but
often enough I concerned. Any ideas on how to fix it?

There isn't a whole lot you can do. Make sure the fluid level is
correct, and the fluid is not burnt. The kickdown cable sometimes get
sticky and can cause delayed shifting. However, a sticky kickdown cable
wouldn't cause shifting out of order. For that something must be
sticking in the valve body, maybe clean fluid will fix that.

Mike F.
Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
(But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
Michael Pardee said:
Do you know which transmission you have? The ZF shifter shows 4 forward
gears, while the BW has 3 gears plus an overdrive button.

The 200 series never got the ZF transmissions so he has an AW70.
Mel said:
I have a 1984 volvo DL, Automatic transmission. When I'm in 4th gear
and it's downshifts to 3rd, sometimes it briefly goes into 2nd gear
before shifting in to 3rd. On the upshift it will briefly go into 2nd
gear before shifting to 4th. This doesn't happen all the time, but
often enough I concerned. Any ideas on how to fix it?

I agree with Mike F. I'd suggest, though, that if you decide you need
a new (or used) transmission because changing the fluid didn't work,
that you first add a bottle of 'Trans Medic'. It might dissolve varnish
buildup in the valve body, and you'd have nothing to lose. The AW-70
trans is tough, and doesn't usually suffer failures in the major
components, just the add-on bits. I just 'ressurected' one this year
with a rebuilt O/D engagement solenoid.

Gentlemen, thank you for your input. I have the transmission with the
button on the shifter. I forgot to tell you I have 517,000 miles on
the car and this is my second transmission.

My mechanic told me he added cleaner, and drove it for a while. He
changed the fluid too. I'll try the Trans Medic. My mechanic quoted
me $600 for a used transmission installed. Do you think this is a
good deal?

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