Adding Coolant - S80

  • Thread starter Thread starter John W
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John W

Hello All,

I need to add some coolant to my 2005 s-80. Manual says nothing about what
color to add. Or how to addit. It says to use only Volvo Coolant mixed 50 /
50. I assume you can use other coolant that I can buy at the store. And how
should I check it. There is a min and max line in the overflow
container...but it doesn't say weather to check hot or cold. And if you
check it cant open the cap when it's hot to add it !!! Any help
would be appreciated to answer my questions. Thanks, just cant see spending
whatever money the Volvo place would want to put a couple of cups of fluid
into the car.

let the car warm that the coolant is movin' around
and gates/valves are open....don't fill up on a hot day...or after
a hard drive.....crack the cap a turn or two...not so much that is
off...just will hear the air eacape...wait a
remove....fill up to just under the top mark on the coolant
resevoir....if you are just adding a few cups...i would just use will all get mixed up after a few hrs of running...have
the coolant cycled every two or three years....if it is not
thats what i do here in far no problems w/any cooling
issues...summer > 100 on a few days...low hit around -5 last
winter a few days...and all points between.....cheers.....richard
Up to you which coolant you choose to use, but earlier this year one side of
my original thermostat broke so it wasn't fully opening on my 1997 v70 with
320 000km. The radiator place which replaced it actually asked what I put
in the cooling system I cautiously answer it has only ever had volvo genuine
coolant in it, and he said it is the cleanest cooling system he has ever
seen. He said well whatever you use keep using it. I am happy to follow
that advice.
I agree w/Jeff...when replacing coolant, I use the
volvo do the Volvo shops I have always
used...For a cup or tow, I wouln't buy a $45 bottle
of coolant from the shop or dealer...I would just use
free water...Same w/windshield washing fluid....If I
am filling 30% or more of the resevoir...I will used a
jug of quality fluid...If just a cup or two...Water it is...
4 me.......cheers ..... richard / colorado

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