Theres a red plastic bleed screw on the right hand side of the engine on a
major water hose ,just let it bleed out of there as well .When my wifes
conection on the top of the engine to the reserve tank went the way of all
plastic I used a gauge connecter which was mean't to go in series with the
hose to allow a gauge to be fitted .Then where the take off line for the
electrical fitting went in the connector I put a brass fitting allowing
water to retun to the overflow tank .It will last the life of the car and
its solid .I hear Japanese like putting pure glycol in as the engine doesn't
corrode but the temperature would go up as water and glycol 40% water 60%
glycol is best any higher glycol level lowers the effectiveness of the
glycol .
When I lived in Tasmania (down under down under )I found taxis removing
thermostats and using normal tap water .Come a very cold day and engines
blew up as the water went through the radiator too fast to cool .An expert
mechanic there only had to know what a car looked like :~)
yep, run the motor and slowly add your coolant via the
coolant tank....once the level is stable...fill to the indicated
line in the coolant for 30 min, check
another hour or so, dbl check level...and you should be all set...
the air should purge itself after a bit of driving...cooling, warm up,
just keep an eye on the level over the next few days and it should
become stable...
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