Motion sickness from 3rd row seats?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aaron and Aimee Ness
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Aaron and Aimee Ness

I'm currently in the market for a 240 or 740 with a third row seat, and a
couple people (not Volvo owners) have cautioned me about motion sickness as
a result of riding backwards. How prevalent is this? Does anyone have any
horror stories? I would be putting my 5 1/2-year-old and my
almost-4-year-old back there. I think they would find the view insanely

Also, if anyone has one (or knows of one) in the Lafayette, IN area, or even
within about 100 miles, I am extremely interested in buying it this week.
Last night we drove 100 miles to look at an '82 that was in much worse shape
than the guy claimed, and it didn't have the third row seat, which the guy
said it had. He said he thought I was talking about the back seat. I can't
think of any wagons on the planet that came without a back seat, so I'm not
sure why I would ask if it had one.
I used to get sick in third-row rear-facing seats in mid-60's station wagons
when I was a kid. Some kids are fine with it though.

That guy was just trying to unload his car. Many people with questionable
integrity misrepresent their cars, just trying to get you interested.

Some people are just ignorant idiots and don't know how to judge condition, but
a third row seat is pretty much a no-brainer, so I'm guessing he was just a
dirt-bag wanting to get you there so he could talk you into taking that car off
his hands.

Good luck!

Horsepower is cheaper than therapy.
My brother and I sat in carseats mounted in the back of the old 740 wagon
back in the day... Wasn't the Volvo 3rd row, just securely mounted seats
with integral belts and such (looks like a race harness from the pictures I
saw...) and we never had a problem. Apparantly we thoroughly enjoyed it back
Aaron and Aimee Ness said:
I'm currently in the market for a 240 or 740 with a third row seat, and a
couple people (not Volvo owners) have cautioned me about motion sickness as
a result of riding backwards. How prevalent is this? Does anyone have any
horror stories? I would be putting my 5 1/2-year-old and my
almost-4-year-old back there. I think they would find the view insanely

When I was younger (8-12 or so) I used to ride in the rear facing seat in my
mom's 245, made me sick in no time but didn't bother my little brother at
all. Depends on the person, but I would caution against the 3rd row seat.
They're uncomfortable, suitable only for kids under 75lbs, they take up the
rear storage compartment and require holes to be cut in the headliner for
the seatbelts.
Hi Aaron and Aimee,

A son of mine has a 740 wagon with the third row seat and their two boys
loved it, until they grew out of it. A daughter has a 960 wagon and the seat
was passed to her. Now she can't keep her daughter and son (7 and 4 yrs.)
out of it. No instance of motion sickness.

On the other hand our elder daughter had a 260 wagon and their kids often
suffered from motion sickness............ with NO THIRD SEAT!

Conclusion?..... Perhaps it depends on the kids?

Andy I.

| I'm currently in the market for a 240 or 740 with a third row seat, and a
| couple people (not Volvo owners) have cautioned me about motion sickness
| a result of riding backwards. How prevalent is this? Does anyone have
| horror stories? I would be putting my 5 1/2-year-old and my
| almost-4-year-old back there. I think they would find the view insanely
| fun.
| Also, if anyone has one (or knows of one) in the Lafayette, IN area, or
| within about 100 miles, I am extremely interested in buying it this week.
| Last night we drove 100 miles to look at an '82 that was in much worse
| than the guy claimed, and it didn't have the third row seat, which the guy
| said it had. He said he thought I was talking about the back seat. I
| think of any wagons on the planet that came without a back seat, so I'm
| sure why I would ask if it had one.
Motion sickness or not, watching the car behind you in traffic almost rear
end the car, over and over, kept me from ever riding in the way back a
second time.

My friend (who, lucky for me, was from the owning family) didn't see it as a

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