New question - S80

Discussion in 'Volvo S80' started by Pat Durkin, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Pat Durkin

    Pat Durkin Guest

    I don't find much helpful info on my driver's side power seat at, so maybe somebody here can give me some advice.

    The seat's electric control buttons were fully functional at all times from
    the day I bought it new until a few weeks ago, when they became kind of

    Now, when my wife drives the car and moves the seat all the way forward I
    don't have any trouble moving the seat back before I try to sit down as long
    as the car has cooled off a little since she parked it. I can open the door
    and run the seat base aft as far as I like. Then I can sit down and close
    the door and start the engine and it won't move any more.

    This troubles me because sometimes my guesstimate is not accurate when I
    first position the seat. If I sit down and start it up and then find that I
    really need a little more leg or belly room or maybe the seat back angle
    isn't quite right, the seat won't move at all when I reach for the controls.

    Actually Volvo's owner's manual encourages people NOT to move the seat when
    the vehicle is in motion however despite all that, mine worked fine at all
    times before this started happening, so I know it's not because the seat was
    programmed at the factory not to move if the ignition is on.

    Since the seat DOES move under some conditions there's apparently nothing
    mechanical wrong with it but there must be some sort of electrical glitch.
    Is this a common thing? And what should a non-electrician such as myself
    check first?

    Pat Durkin, Aug 19, 2004
  2. Pat Durkin

    Mike F Guest

    These glitches can be usually be cured with a software patch, but often
    just powering down the affected body computer will reset everything and
    you'll be fine for the next little while. I can't tell you which fuse
    (or even which computer!), but obviously disconnecting the battery will
    do it. (Make sure you have your radio code.) My father had a problem
    with the rear door and tailgate locks on his new style V70 (front doors
    still worked) that was cured by resetting the rear body computer.

    Also, can't you put a seat setting into memory so you can get it right
    before you get into the car?

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    NOTE: new address!!
    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Aug 19, 2004
  3. Pat Durkin

    Rob Guenther Guest

    I was thinking the same thing - seat memories... There should be three.
    Rob Guenther, Aug 19, 2004
  4. Pat Durkin

    Pat Durkin Guest

    Thanks Mike. I'll look into both the software patches AND the possibility
    of just disconnecting the battery. Hmmmm. Wonder where I could locate my
    radio code. And then when I've found it, I wonder what I could do with it.
    How would I re-set the codes? A sequence of button pushes?

    Okay. Next item --- the seat memory: Yes. There is a memory system.

    It works sometimes. Not all the time. But even if it functions perfectly
    when I come out to get in my car after she's driven it, I still have the
    problem of not being able to reposition my seat after I've driven a while
    and just want to slightly change my body position. I really need to get to
    the bottom of this seat thing.

    Pat Durkin, Aug 20, 2004
  5. Pat Durkin

    Mike F Guest

    That's a good question about the radio code. I've never needed to punch
    in a radio code on the new type radios without preset buttons. Let us
    know when you figure it out!

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    NOTE: new address!!
    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Aug 23, 2004
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