Replace right side turn signal bulb V70 2002

Discussion in 'Volvo V70' started by Gaute, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Gaute

    Gaute Guest

    Hey all, this is embarassing but its not the first time I'm struggling
    with a bulb on the darn V70, last time I had to get a mechanic to do
    it :(

    Does anyone know how to replace the right side turn signal bulb? the
    book says to just turn counterclockwise but the socket is not moving
    and it doesnt look like the drawing in the manual.... There is a plug
    there and I can get the plug out but the grayish fitting doesnt budge.

    any help be greatly appreciated!

    Gaute, Jun 23, 2009
  2. Gaute

    EMC Guest

    IIRC, it needs a good stiff turn, counter-clockwise to remove it.
    EMC, Jun 24, 2009
  3. Gaute

    Gaute Guest

    Hey EMC, ok I got the bulb out but when I put the new bulb in it
    accidentally fell into the light itself :eek:( I have no luck with bulbs
    on this car....

    is there a way to open the headlight and get to the bulb inside the
    blinker light? I see weather strip and all that around it, I'm also
    wondering if there is a way to pull it out but opening it might be
    easiest way to go?

    Gaute, Jul 1, 2009
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