The speed sensor on my 1990 240 wagon
needs to be replaced. (The computer gives the
2-1-4 code and there are other symptoms.)
The problem is that it is rusted in.
The mechanics tell me that if the they can't get it
out or if it breaks off, they'll have to pull
the transmission which will cost about $300.
I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to
maximize the chances of getting it out.
To reply directly to me, replace all 'z' with 'a' in email address.
needs to be replaced. (The computer gives the
2-1-4 code and there are other symptoms.)
The problem is that it is rusted in.
The mechanics tell me that if the they can't get it
out or if it breaks off, they'll have to pull
the transmission which will cost about $300.
I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to
maximize the chances of getting it out.
To reply directly to me, replace all 'z' with 'a' in email address.