Tachometer swan dives; 88 Volvo 740 Turbo

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by JungleAcid, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. JungleAcid

    JungleAcid Guest

    After I press in the clutch and let off the gas, as in when I approach
    a stop sign or shift, my tach will plummet to the first notch above
    zero (less than 500 rpms) and then climb back to 1000 and idle
    steadily. If this gets worse I will be stalling out, obviously. What
    is going on and what can I do to repair it?

    James Moening
    JungleAcid, Aug 21, 2003
  2. JungleAcid

    James Sweet Guest

    Clean the throttle body and check the adjustment of the throttle plate.
    James Sweet, Aug 21, 2003
  3. JungleAcid

    Rob Guenther Guest

    Is this the same on every car? My friends Mazda (1993 MX-3 Mystere) does the
    exact same thing, he hasn't had any driving related problems from it tho.
    Rob Guenther, Aug 23, 2003
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