Heh, that was my reaction when Ford took over Volvo already. I was
wondering at the time how long it would be until Ford would start
rebadging Mazdas as Volvos ... looking at some of the stupid moves they
made (i.m.o.)(like putting that petrol guzzling 3.2 l engine into the xc
70) I was close to abandoning Volvo in the first place.
I dunno. I'm thinking if I should upgrade our '02 XC70 to a more recent
diesel model _now_ ('06 or '07), or wait until the 2010s come up second
hand in 3-4 years' time. But that will probably be the last Volvo we buy
... assuming that the Chinese will even bother to maintain customer
support reliably in this part of the world (NZ).
Any opinions on that upgrade?
We'll probably keep driving our 850 wagon until it drops dead in any
Then again - if they leave Volvo in Sweden and Belgium alone and just
leech technology, then that may not be an entirely bad thing.
[somewhat worried] -P.