My battery died yesterday after leaving the parking lights on too long.
I used my other car to jump start it and everything was running fine.
Today, I take a drive to the store and lowered my driver's side window
a little to let some fresh air in. When I tried to "roll" it back
up...nothing. Rolled it down a little more...fine. Up...nothing. So
now, I'm stuck with my car with an exposed window and it's supposed to
rain pretty hard tonight. Any clues? Thanks
I used my other car to jump start it and everything was running fine.
Today, I take a drive to the store and lowered my driver's side window
a little to let some fresh air in. When I tried to "roll" it back
up...nothing. Rolled it down a little more...fine. Up...nothing. So
now, I'm stuck with my car with an exposed window and it's supposed to
rain pretty hard tonight. Any clues? Thanks