I just went through the oil change from hell. I figured Walmart could
at least change the oil and filter on my S80. WRONG!
After waiting for an hour and twenty minutes they inform me they don't
have the Fram filter but said if I go buy it they would deduct what I
paid from their total bill. Like and idiot I went and bought it. Came
back to Walmart and began the wait process again.
After 30 minutes and draining out all the oil they tell me they don't
have the correct tool needed to remove my filter. So they put in
Mobile One Synthetic which is what I wanted and left the old filter in
place. It gets worse.
The guy checking my oil level then proceeded to snap the dip stick at
the top so he couldn't check the oil level. We put just the top of the
dip stick back in place. It gets worse.
After visiting 3 auto parts stores I realized I would have to go to
Volvo for a dip stick. It gets worse. Volvo then proceeds to tell me I
can't get that dip stick anymore because they redesigned the tubing it
goes into. So they give me a quote for $129.31 for parts and labor.
I took the quote to the manager of Walmart and he verified everything
I just said above and gave me $129.31 in cash.
They asked me what other cars I own and I said a Mercedes 500SL and a
Saab. He assured me I can bring those cars in. I guess stupid really
is embedded on my forehead now. What the hell was I thinking?
Question: So here I sit with clean Mobile One Synthetic (free of
charge of course) and an old dirty filter. Volvo said they will not
have to remove the oil to do the fix. Should I purge all this new oil
and start over with someone who actually knows how to change the oil
on an S80? Can I have the filter switched out quickly and save all
that oil?
at least change the oil and filter on my S80. WRONG!
After waiting for an hour and twenty minutes they inform me they don't
have the Fram filter but said if I go buy it they would deduct what I
paid from their total bill. Like and idiot I went and bought it. Came
back to Walmart and began the wait process again.
After 30 minutes and draining out all the oil they tell me they don't
have the correct tool needed to remove my filter. So they put in
Mobile One Synthetic which is what I wanted and left the old filter in
place. It gets worse.
The guy checking my oil level then proceeded to snap the dip stick at
the top so he couldn't check the oil level. We put just the top of the
dip stick back in place. It gets worse.
After visiting 3 auto parts stores I realized I would have to go to
Volvo for a dip stick. It gets worse. Volvo then proceeds to tell me I
can't get that dip stick anymore because they redesigned the tubing it
goes into. So they give me a quote for $129.31 for parts and labor.
I took the quote to the manager of Walmart and he verified everything
I just said above and gave me $129.31 in cash.
They asked me what other cars I own and I said a Mercedes 500SL and a
Saab. He assured me I can bring those cars in. I guess stupid really
is embedded on my forehead now. What the hell was I thinking?
Question: So here I sit with clean Mobile One Synthetic (free of
charge of course) and an old dirty filter. Volvo said they will not
have to remove the oil to do the fix. Should I purge all this new oil
and start over with someone who actually knows how to change the oil
on an S80? Can I have the filter switched out quickly and save all
that oil?